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她絮絮不休她的失业问题。She was burbling on her unemployment.

其次,我们是如何测量失业的?Second, how do we measure unemployment?

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我的母亲不知道我失业了。My mother was unaware of my unemployment.

失业其实也有令人愉快的一面。Hello from the other side of unemployment.

这对就业有帮助对吧?That would help your unemployment figures?

我不赞成延长失业救济的期间。I do not favor extending unemployment benefits.

鼓吹可解决失业问题的妙策。Some nostrum peddled as a cure for unemployment.

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其目标是处理失业索赔。The objective is to process unemployment claims.

这就是意在降低失业率的法案,造成的结果。this is from bill designed to lower unemployment.

也许失业率会下降,就这样。Maybe the unemployment rate will go back down, so.

我们正与通货膨胀和失业做斗争。We are battling against inflation and unemployment.

失业率很低、组合证券膨胀。Unemployment was low, stock portfolios were bulging.

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失业率的再次攀升可能会让保护主义成为脱缰之马。Another spike in unemployment could well set it loose.

这使美国失业总人数超过一千万。That makes the U. S. unemployment rat more than crore.

高失业率和高犯罪率经常形影相随。High unemployment and high crime often go hand in hand.

报章头条的失业率已高过10个百分点。The headlined unemployment rate is just over 10 percent.

你愿意生活在一个没有失业的国家吗?Would you rather live in a country with no unemployment?

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你知道,如果你,有很多失业福利。You know, if you, there's various unemployment benefits.

但是他们饱受着失业与社会不满的困扰。But they suffer from unemployment and social frustration.

但在随后的一年半中,失业率持续攀升。But unemployment kept rising for another year and a half.