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家里有切肉刀和磨刀器。You own your own meat cleaver and sharpen it.

你有自己的切肉刀而且你会磨它。You own your own meat cleaver and sharpen it.

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拿起切肉刀,砍断他们的手。Take out a meat cleaver and cut off their hand.

还有另一种完美的榜样,那就是朱恩克利弗尔。And then there is that other beloved icon of perfection, June Cleaver.

如果她吸入的话就不会这样。用刀切肉的时候会传播细菌。Chopping the meat with the cleaver could easily aerosolize the bacteria.

琼·克里夫对她的两个孩子沃里和“小毕”总是很有时间和耐心。June Cleaver always had time and patience for her two sons, Wally and "Beaver."

先生利斧一直是俱乐部的一员,因为它在1963年形成。Mr. Cleaver has been a member of the club since it formed in nineteen sixty-nine.

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这时,杨家钦突然持刀窜了出来,对着一名一年级小学生猛砍,但孩子逃掉了。Mr. Yang jumped onto the path with a cleaver and slashed a first grader, who fled.

聪明的使用细节来构成中国之形。很多的信息在其中。Cleaver use of the detail to form the shape of China. Lots of information in the scene.

广华暴怒,他拿起了屠刀,把那个士兵的头劈开了!Guanghua got so mad that he picked up his cleaver and split that soldier's head wide open!

他的脸上伤痕累累,其中一只手握了一把像杀猪刀一样又短又重的剑。His face was a mass of scars, and in one hand he held a sword, short and heavy as a cleaver.

“三叶草”雪莉利斧良好的使用该功能,当他在十九五十八个结婚。"Shamrock" Shelly Cleaver made good use of that feature when he got married in nineteen fifty-eight.

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“鸡肉饭女士”忙着剁鸡肉再切成片放在米饭的上边。Chicken Rice whacks it once with the side of her cleaver , resulting in wonderfully tender pieces of meat.

不过,潘伟迪面临的一个大问题是他是否应该分拆整个花旗王国。But the big question hanging over Mr. Pandit is whether he should take a meat cleaver to the Citigroup empire.

自从性别革命以来,电视就想要打破朱恩.克里夫模式,但是一直出现反复。Ever since the sexual revolution, television has tried to break out of June Cleaver mode, but only in fits and starts.

你想让一个什么样的女孩去见让切肉刀砍在脑袋上的和这个发臭的骑小猪回去的男孩子?Now what girl wants to be seen with you with a meat cleaver stuck in your head, and the stink man here riding piggy back?

就在曼迪向格雷格承认她出轨的时候,她注意到他正瞄着那个厨房用磁条上面的高级奥地利制的切肉刀。While Mandy confessed her infidelity to Greg she caught him eying the high-end Austrian cleaver on the magnetic kitchen strip.

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他砍的时候卷草从紧握的手中被猛地一扯,他伸手便抓,切肉刀正剁在他伸出的手指上。The grass had twitched out of grip as he swung, and he had grabbed for it, and the cleaver had come down hard on his extended finger.

那是四月温暖而阳光明媚的一个下午,在邻近越南边境的这个小村庄,杨手持厨房里的一把菜刀冲出了自己的家门。On a warm, sunny afternoon in April, Mr.Yang burst from his home in this rural village near the Vietnamese border, carrying a kitchen cleaver.

目击者称受害者应该是名现役军人,他被两名持武器的男子砍死,凶手所用武器包括一把大刀和一把切肉刀。Eyewitnesses say the victim thought to be a serving soldier was hacked to death by two men with weapons including a machete and a meat cleaver.