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真正实际的解决办法是惩罚严防死守姚明的球队。The real solution is to punish teams that overcommit to stopping Yao.

由于线程池过载而拒绝的请求数。The number of requests rejected because the thread pool was overcommit ted.

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由于执行绪池超载而拒绝的请求数。The number of requests rejected because the thread pool was overcommit ted.

家长们要做的事情和他们的孩子吨,和我们以及过量使用我们的孩子。Parents have tons of things to do with and for their kids, and we overcommit our kids as well.

学会说”不“不要过多承诺。如果你担任地工作太多,你在制造压力。Learn to say "no. " Don't overcommit yourself. If you take on too much, you're creating stress.

这些技术相结合,有效地支持虚拟机的工作负载过量使用内存。These techniques are combined to efficiently support virtual machine workloads that overcommit memory.

一些对美国的大包大揽感到厌倦甚至是憎恶的专家,或许会对利比亚感到恼火。Libya may be the irritable object of some experts who are fatigued with or even disgusted by american overcommit ment.

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在生活中,会有一些困难的抉择。你或许对你最终的预算不甚满意,但是如果你过度调拨预算,结果只会造成预算不足。In life, there are tough choices. You may not like the budget you end up with, but it is only insufficient if you overcommit.

你不太可能为一段得不到感情回报的关系过度承诺自己或花费太多的金钱或努力。You are not likely to overcommit yourself or spend too much money or effort on a relationship that will not pay off emotionally.

北卡大学的盖尔·早柏曼和杜克大学的小约翰·林奇两位商学院教授,试着找出人们过度承诺的原因。Two business school professors, Gal Zauberman of the University of North Carolina and John Lynch, Jr. , of Duke University, tried to find out why people overcommit.