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是否有一个神秘学原因在这背后?Is there an occult reason behind this?

神智学是神秘学的一个分支。Theosophy is one branch of occult ism.

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圣经是如何解说神秘学的?What does the Bible say about the occult?

这些,是我孤独血液里隐匿起来的暗伤。These are my lonely up blood occult injury.

结果42例患者共81处隐匿性骨折。Result 81 occult fractures were found in 42 cases.

他和那个象黑皮革似的家伙显得很神秘。He and the black-leather fellow looked very occult.

这些病人需要进行潜在恶性肿瘤筛检。These patients need to be screened for occult malignancy.

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许多其他条件可能会导致有潜血出现在粪便中。Many other conditions can cause occult blood in the stool.

搜索引擎对于普通的用户来说几乎是一种难以理解的技术。Search engine technology is almost an occult art to common user.

在神秘主义方面,叶芝,真是个奇异的思想者。This occult Yeats is a genuinely and wonderfully strange thinker.

其他知道玄奇世界的生物告诉狼人他们所知的秘密和传说。Others are aware of the occult world, telling their own myths and legends.

许多患者的粪便潜血检测结果呈阴性,但却患有结肠息肉。Many patients with colon polyps are tested negative for stool occult blood.

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方法回顾分析了10例隐匿性巩膜破裂伤临床资料。Methods The clinical data of 10 cases of occult scleral rupture were analysed.

即使神秘学可能会发生在我们周围,我们无力改变它。Even though the occult may be happening all around us we are not to turn to it.

在多发性外伤患者,脊髓积气提示有隐匿性的脊柱骨折。In the polytrauma patient, it may be an indication of an occult spinal fracture.

上帝表达得很清楚,它不像我们卷入任何神秘活动。God makes it very clear that He does not want us involved in any occult activity.

其他有价值的发现包括直肠肿瘤,血性粪便或大便潜血。Other useful findings include rectal tumor, blood stained stool, or occult blood.

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在吉凶未卜的几秒钟时间里,牧师心头猛地一动,出现了一种神秘古怪的感觉。For a few precarious seconds, the chaplain tingled with a weird, occult sensation.

鲁道夫的作品都是基于姆大陆或亚特兰蒂斯的神秘启示。Rudolf Steiner based much of his writings on occult revelations of Mu or Atlantis.

目的提高对隐匿性及复发性腹股沟斜疝的认识和诊断水平。ObjectiveTo improve the diagnosis of occult or recurrent inguinal indirect hernias.