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把它们都列出来。List them all.

你的任务列表呢?Your to do list?

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我是个列表专业户。I’m a list maker.

这是我们的列表。That is our list.

这就是我的五佳片列表。So that’s my list.

创编一张歌曲列表。Create a song list.

将清单交给他们。Give them the list.

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我可以看看酒水单么?。May I see wine list?

她按自己的意思做了。She did as she list.

这个序列也是有序的。This list is sorted.

我找不到我的购物单了。I can't find my list.

名单真长啊。The list is too long.

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但想想你的表单。But think of your list.

这是我们的价目表。Here is our price list.

缩短你的任务列表。Shorten your task list.

该榜单排名不分先后。The list is not ranked.

是否有候补名单?Is there a waiting list?

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记住单词表。Learn the list of words.

我可以看一下酒单吗?May I see the wine list?

子域名列表为空!Subdomain list is empty!