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他也是美国历史上很有争议的人物之一。He is also one of the most divisive men in America.

问题在于政治从本质上就是有分歧的。The problem is that politics are divisive in their nature.

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现在,是时候和过去的分裂斗争说再见了。It is time to leave behind the divisive battles of the past.

在这样高度分歧的问题上,你必须力求保持客观。On such highly divisive issues you must strive to remain objective.

这场争论变得如此尖锐和两极分化,已经让我感到不耐烦了。The argument has gotten so shrill and divisive that I am bored by it.

作为家庭成员之一,我为神的家庭四分五裂而感到痛心。As a member, I grieve that God's family is as divided and as divisive as it is.

也就是说,这是一个国会更愿意回避的那种能造成尖锐对立的问题。In other words, this is just the sort of divisive issue Congress prefers to avoid.

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所有这些都能导致家庭意见不和,而内疚是其中的主要因素。All this can lead to divisive family arguments to which guilt is a major contributor.

即便社会媒体再不堪、再分裂,马克吐温也会喜欢的。Twain would haWe loved social media, even at its most bitter, divisive and snarky moments.

辛格说,在这个危机时刻,政治上的分歧不会解决这个国家的问题。Mr. Singh says in this hour of crisis divisive politics will not lead the country anywhere.

免费学校和学园计划就是这样的不必要的割裂我们的教育系统的实验。The free schools and academy programme are a divisive and unnecessary experiment with this.

像油气资源探测这类潜在性的最容易引起不和的问题并没有很快提及。There was no immediate mention of oil and gas exploration, potentially the most divisive issue.

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这可能会引发社会动荡和内部冲突分裂,这尤其以印度和中国为典型。This could spark social unrest and divisive internal conflicts, particularly in India and China.

宗教有时是分割彼此的因素,有时也是,允许更多对话交流的工具。Religion can be a divisive tool, but it can also be one allows for dialogue, allows for conversation.

虽然他曾经表示,他将团结的国家,他一直故意破坏和分裂。Whereas he once said he would unite the country, he has been deliberately and destructively divisive.

马政府的行径严重撕裂已经相当分化的台湾社会和脆弱的台湾民主。It is Mr. Ma's provocation that is tearing up Taiwan's already divisive society and fragile democracy.

我认为将秘书,助理从编辑和经理室分出去会造成不和。I think it's divisive to separate the secretaries and the assistants out from the editors and managers.

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把引起分歧和痛苦的布朗换为平易近人的约翰逊是很有吸引力的前景。Replacing the bitter, divisive Mr Brown with the calm, well-liked Mr Johnson is an attractive prospect.

长老们讲了一篇预先准备好的信息来攻击23位为分裂的,并一个一个的念出他们的名字。The elders presented a prepared message accusing the 23 of being divisive and read their names one by one.

本笃十六世访问英国引发的反响显示出罗马教宗在现今所产生的既对立却又持久的影响力。The reaction to Benedict XVI's UK visit demonstrates the divisive but enduring impact of the pontiff today.