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门掩黄昏,无计留春住。At dusk I bar the gate.

野火在暮色中烧。Wild-fire burns at dusk.

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一声长笛江天暮。River at Dusk flute sound.

黄昏来得很早。The dusk was coming early.

黄昏时分,天气越来越凉爽,微风轻拂,月光轻洒在地面上。It is getting cool at dusk.

黄昏犹是雨纤纤。Dusk judah is rain fashions.

最后黄昏退入了黑夜中。Finally dusk faded to night.

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黄昏时分我们在泊位停船。We berthed our ship at dusk.

你们得将船停下,港口没有泊位了。We berthed our ship at dusk.

大地静卧在暮色之中。The land reposes in the dusk.

东篱把酒黄昏后。At east-yard he drink at dusk.

但我们会在黄昏之时将它掠去。It went by, like dusk to dawn.

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叶落无声,秋近黄昏。Fell without wind. Autumn dusk.

黄昏时分成,风停了。The wind had died away by dusk.

但我们会在黄昏之时将它掠去。But we will rip it away in dusk.

黄昏时候街灯就亮了。The street lights go on at dusk.

那村庄在暮色中沈寂着。The village reposed in the dusk.

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他共画了几张滑铁卢桥呀?Waterloo Bridge, London, at Dusk.

黄昏是听夜莺唱歌的最好时段。Dusk is the best time to hear them.

我们由黄昏走进晚上。We are going from dusk to nightime.