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用皮带抽他一顿!Give him a belting.

他们沿着马路疾驰而去。They went belting along the road.

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我们听到有人在房间外面大声说个不停。We heard a voice belting away out of the room.

住手啊,你凭什么这么狠打我?——是希德打碎了糖罐!Hold on, now, what 'er you belting ME for?—Sid broke it!

网带边缘镶链条,链条附在从网条穿过的支轴上面。Mesh belting with chain attached to each edge for positive drive.

集合是出自赞美诗制带的材料,但是我觉得奇妙超然。The congregation was belting out hymns, but I felt strangely detached.

欢乐的人群高歌酣舞,完全沉浸在一片丰收的喜悦之中。Joyful crowd belting intoxicated dance, totally immersed in a harvest of joy.

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不仅如此,他在切尔西已经开始展现出神入化的任意球绝技了。And on top of all that, he's started belting in free-kicks at will with Chelsea.

震耳的音乐响起时,她狂叫、接著对著麦克风嘶吼出歌词。When the loud music starts, the girl snarls before belting her first lyrics into the microphone.

音乐的声音超过的管弦乐队表演的最好的作文。The music of your voice surpasses that of the greatest orchestra belting out its very best composition.

对于事先一无所知的观众来说,看到外国人唱京剧可能会觉得莫明其妙。For uninformed visitors, the sight and sound of foreigners belting it out in Chinese might seem bizarre.

本发明公开了一种制造气动排钉线带的新方法及其专用设备。The invention discloses a method for producing air chain riveting belting wire and relative special device.

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全天都有成年狐獴呵护着它,幼崽大声的吱吱乞食声全群落都听得见。It follows adults around throughout the day, belting out squeaky begging calls for the entire colony to hear.

随着哈伯斯特,我们已经找到了合作伙伴,知道如何以创新的拜尔廷解决方案,结合深厚的市场。With Habasit we have found a partner that combines profound market know-how with innovative belting solutions.

终于一只孤鸭飞了过来。除了一个灌了一瓶威士忌的人,别人都没打中。Finally a lone duck flew by and everybody missed except one hunter who had been belting down a bottle of whiskey.

一场生日派对不可缺少的环节就是大家一起高兴地围着大蛋糕唱生日歌。A birthday party wouldn't be complete without participants joyously belting out the song around a big birthday cake.

为了充分展现自己,她选择颠覆父亲的权威,扯掉自己的长袍,在教堂里大放迪斯科。To make a strong personal statement, she chooses to *subvert her father's authority by ripping off her robe and belting out disco music in church.

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该公司经历了与钢丝网带几个卫生问题,并随后安装的模块化输送带的寿命比较短。The company had experienced several hygiene issues with steel wire mesh belts, and a rather short lifetime of the subsequently installed modular belting.

我们不但为您提供来自顶级生产商的最卓越的优质产品,同时也可以按照您的需要,为您提供定制的传送带和设备。Along with providing you with superior quality perforated belts from top manufacturers, we also create custom belting and equipment for use in your facility.

为了满足粉丝的超高期待,这位艺术家使出了浑身解数,串烧了多首她的最流行热门歌曲,包括“咆哮”中文歌名用书名号,“少年梦”和“焰火”。The artist gave her all to meet fans' high expectations, belting through a selection of her most popular hits including "Roar", style Teenage Dream and Firework.