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“带我去那儿。”哈吉斯对洛根说。“Take me there,” Haggis said to Logan.

络根太太骂她孩子在车里吃东西。Mrs. Logan scolded her son for eating in the car.

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洛根蝮蛇是商务专业人士和作家。Logan Pallas is a business professional and writer.

快来看看罗根是如何让伙伴们保持健康与开心的吧。Find out how Logan helps keep her friends healthy-and happy!

新达契亚列出洛根甚至可以说比以往更加吸引人。New Dacia Logan sets out to be even more appealing than ever.

你们没有什么根据拘留络根先生,更不用说脱他的衣服了。You had no grounds to detain Mr. Logan let alone disrobe him.

洛根看见香烟冒出的烟向上飘去成了一条线。Logan watched the smoke from his cigarette going up in a line.

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真好玩洛根你还是那麽有趣你知道维克多在哪吗?That's funny, you still funny, Logan. You know where Victor is?

洛根10年前就预计到了这种危险。Logan predicted the danger to whitebark pine trees 10 years ago.

请问布莱克和洛根终于结束了罪恶的斯塔克家庭?Will Bleck and Logan finally put an end to the evil Stark family?

诺曼·洛根对于向他报仇雪恨一事似乎还没有一个谱。Norman Logan didn't seem to know enough about vengeance to get him.

你这样可能会被捕,在罗根机场拿着这个箱子。You may get arrested when you go to Logan Airport with this suitcase.

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张伟亮于2010年毕业于香港科技大学物理系。CHEUNG Wai Leung, Logan graduated from Physics Department of HKUST in 2010.

导演和制片到武术组研究武打动作。Director Michael Biehn and Producer Bey Logan are working on action scenes.

宋的树木。宋树介绍了洛根家庭,英雄。Song of the Trees. Song of the Trees introduced the Logan family, the heroes of.

每个人和他们的宠物狗,都想获得罗根机场的飞机上的座位。Everybody and his pet dog is trying to get a seat on a plane out of Logan airport.

回到公寓后,洛根向楼上的人借了一台手提打字机。Back at his apartment, Logan borrowed a portable type-writer from the man upstairs.

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大教堂坐落在丹佛市洛根街1530号,离国会大厦仅几个街区之隔。Located at 1530 Logan Street, in Denver , just a few blocks from the Capitol Building.

目的建立耳聋左慈丸中马钱苷的含量测定方法。Objective To build up a method for the determination of logan in in Erlong Zuoci Pills.

克娄依和娄更太小了,应该无法对我留下什么直接的记忆。Chloe and Logan are both so young that it's likely they'll have no direct memories of me.