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你们知道这个古老的谚语。You know the old adage.

那句古老的俗语说的没错。The old adage is true after all.

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所以说,我个人不同意这种古训。So, personally, I don’t like that old adage.

正如谚语所说,如果你不笑那便会哭泣。As the adage goes if you don't laugh you will cry.

套用一句广告俗语,那就是“出卖色相”。And, to quote an old advertising adage , sex sells.

老话说得好,金钱难买幸福。As the old adage goes, money doesn't buy happiness.

有句谚语,“知己知彼”就是这个道理吧。The old adage 'know you enemy' is an appropriate analogy here.

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所取得的发现对“大自然是残酷和无情的”的古训提出了疑问。Findings question the old adage of "nature red in tooth and claw".

差不多在150年之后,这个变化了的谚语一直被引用。Nearly 150 years later, variations of this adage are still quoted.

崔英姬住了这句谚语并把它转化成一种商业模式。Choi Young-Hee took that adage and turned it into a business model.

是说聪明人也有一时糊涂做错事的时候。This adage says that even a clever person may do something stupidly.

俗话说,“性于男人,无时无刻。”一项新的研究结果却颠覆了这一看法。A new study challenges the old adage that men think about sex non-stop.

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有一句著名的格言说到工作量会不断扩张已填满可用时间。There’s a well-known adage that work expands to fill the time available.

不,但你不会听我的解释的。我说过我不会忘记我们的古训的。No, but you will never listen. I tell you. I will never forget our adage.

需要反思一下“一张图片胜过千言万语”这一句古老的格言。The old adage "a picture is worth a thousand words" needs to be rethought.

俗话说,眼见为实。可是,我们用眼睛看时,真的看到了吗?Seeing is believing the old adage goes. But do we always see, when we look?

记住股票市场上的那句老格言“哪里有内幕消息哪里就有窃听器”。Remember the old stock market adage that “where there’s a tip there’s a tap”.

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不过看起来有句老话倒是的确不假——欢笑是最好的药方。But it seems that the old adage is true – laughter really is the best medicine.

有一句古话形容电视广告“我知道我一半的钱都浪费了。There’s an old adage in television advertising “I know half my money is wasted.

由此看来,“每个人都是可以被替代的”这句话应该值得反思一下了。This is why the old adage that everyone is replaceable may need some re-thinking.