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一种美洲金属。An American metal.

瑞典黑金属。Swedish Black Metal.

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酸腐蚀金属。Acid eats into metal.

检查所有金属软管。Check all metal hose.

我只喜欢死亡金属乐。I'm into Death Metal.

分币是金属硬币。Cents are metal coins.

金属也运作得非常顺利。Metal also works well.

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钉子能钉进金属。Nails dent into metal.

罐头盒是用金属做的。Cans are made of metal.

这种金属容易切削。This metal cuts easily.

来自波兰的黑金属。Black Metal from Poland.

金属有味道吗?Does Metal Have a Taste?

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它是美洲的金属。It is an American metal.

这种酸性物质对金属发生作用。This acid acts on metal.

所以这是一个典型金属。So, this is a good metal.

酸腐蚀金属。The acid gnaws the metal.

金虎,1950和2010Metal tiger, 1950 and 2010

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废旧金属回收销售。Old metal recycling sales.

铝是一种轻金属。Aluminium is a light metal.

仅适用于金属辅料。For metal accessories only.