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对亲爱的老父亲的严厉指控。A scathing indictment of dear old dad.

刑事诉状的措辞不正确。The indictment was incorrectly worded.

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控诉书昨夜已交该犯本人。Indictment delivered to him last night.

书记官在喃喃诵读起诉状。The clerk was gabbing over the indictment.

公诉人正在宣读一份长达73页的起诉书。Prosecutor is to read a 73-page indictment.

起诉书也写得含糊不清、语无伦次。The indictment is vague, woolly and incoherent.

他们撤销了对经理的起诉。They quashed the indictment against the manager.

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人们找到了对那场战阵的控诉。And the people have found an indictment of that war.

如果法庭提起起诉,情况会不会变得更加血腥?Will things get bloodier if the indictment goes ahead?

指控书对你的所有指控无效。Acquits you of all counts against you in the indictment.

甘地对现代文明的控诉相比反对印度教民族主义者更加严厉。Gandhi’s indictment of modern civilization went further.

皇家刑事庭根据起诉进行刑事审判。The Crown Court deals with criminal trails on indictment.

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我把你的孩子从这些被起诉的孩子里排出。I am exempting your own child from this blanket indictment.

向刑事案被告宣读起诉书并听取他的答辩。Read of the indictment to the accused and hearing his plea.

起诉书指控钟东凡是一名自愿的参与者。The indictment charges that Chung was a willing participant.

起诉书中说,在这起事件中有50多位受害者。There were more than 50 victims, according to the indictment.

作者的自私控诉和恶毒一起沸腾了。The author's self-serving indictment seethes with malevolence.

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该小说是对美国古板的清教价值观的辛辣控诉。The book is a biting indictment of the US' puritanical values.

这是难以忍受的,但它不能作为控诉经济增长的借口。This is intolerable, but it isn't an indictment of growth itself.

我们的城市中的贫民苦况是现代社会的一大败象。The poverty in our cities is a damning indictment of modern society.