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裁员是否道德"而是"公司怎样做使得裁员更为人道?" but "How can companies downsize ethically?

道德上而言,他们是否有义务做的更进一步?Are they ethically obligated to do something further?

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为了我的收获而实验是值得道德的质疑的。That to experiment for my own gain is ethically questionable.

我们认为公司在中国营运的同时,仍能保有其职业道德。We believe that companies could act more ethically and still operate in China.

比如说怎样保证不侵犯人权,怎样让克隆在道德层面行得通,in terms of how not to offend people and how to do it as ethically as possible

新基因编辑工具在技术层面不可思议,在道德层面令人困惑。New genome-editing tools are technologically incredible and ethically flummoxing.

赶上个好时机,我挣得和大毒枭或者犯罪集团一样多,合情又合法!So during good times, I make as much as a top drug dealer or mob guy–legally! Ethically.

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温菲尔德教授说,这意味着制造这些机器人的专家自己需要表现出道德行为来代替。Prof Winfield says that means roboticists building them need to behave ethically instead.

道德上惟一可接受的退出战略是将预防艾滋病毒感染放在首位。The only ethically acceptable exit strategy is to prevent HIV infections in the first place.

供应商必须对他们所作的商业行为负责任,并且要行为正直。Suppliers must be accountable for conducting their business ethically and acting with integrity.

其它则不太可能忽视,例如曾做出糟糕或有道德问题的决策。Others, such as a history of making poor or ethically questionable decisions, are impossible to ignore.

一部电影让我们把历史归结为更易消化吸收而且是非分明的事物。A film allows us to boil down history into something more easily digestible and ethically black and white.

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我们这年轻的一代应该德智体美全面发展。Our younger generations should have a comprehensive development, intellectually, physically and ethically.

战俘依然受军法约束,以及军人守则的道德指导。POW is still legally bound by the Uniform Code of Military Justice and ethically guided by the Code of Conduct.

围魏救赵看起来会有人道问题,但是在战争中,如此的战术却很常见。Attacking A to make him give up B might seem ethically questionable, but in battle such a tactic is not uncommon.

关于谁和谁能结婚,谁和谁不能结婚,为什么大家会从宪法层面,伦理层面还有道德层面争论不休呢?constitutionally and ethically and morally, with everybody disagreeing on who can be married who can't be married.

经济学家们如何能够处于一个中立的立场并从市场中取得折现率呢?How could economists then justify proclaiming an ethically neutral stance and taking the discount rate from the market?

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我们坚决支持以对社会、道德、和环境方面负责任的方式来为股东创造价值的这种趁势。We strongly support the trend towards delivering shareholder value in a socially, ethically and environmentally responsible manner.

帕尔默表示,电影拍摄者应该在创新娱乐和道德操守之间寻找平衡,这的确是一个挑战。Filmmakers should look at this as a challenge to come up with innovative and fresh ways to be entertaining and ethically correct, he says.

"横跨乡村"赌场的老板罗尼-吉利的律师说,他的客户从来没有被授权进行任何贿赂行为,他们相信说客应该不会干啥缺德事。A lawyer for Country Crossing developer Ronnie Gilley says his client never authorized any bribes and trusted the lobbyist to operate ethically.