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把睡衣收好。Put those pajamas away!

我能穿睡衣出去吗?Can I go out in pajamas?

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这些是汤尼的睡衣裤吗?Are these pajamas Tony's?

可是我还是穿着我的睡衣。I am still in my pajamas.

你要干净的睡衣裤吗?DO you want clean pajamas?

他买了一套睡衣裤。He bought a suit of pajamas.

这哥俩还穿着睡衣。They are still in their pajamas.

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这意味着别在床上穿绒布睡衣套装。This means no flannel pajamas in bed.

他着睡衣裤,从房子里飞奔了出来。He ran out of the house in his pajamas.

你先把这睡衣裤穿上。But you just put on your pajamas and robe.

至于它怎么进来的,我就不知道了"How it got into my pajamas I'll never know."

快去收拾你的牙刷和睡裤吧。Time to pack up your toothbrush and pajamas.

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如果你是穿着睡衣睡觉的话,那就把睡衣也穿上。If you sleep in pajamas, put on your pajamas.

我觉得最好还是穿一套的睡衣裤比较好。I'd wear it for you but, uh, I prefer pajamas.

我觉得最好还是穿一套的睡衣裤比较好。I think the best set of pajamas to wear better.

睡衣已经成为上海生活方式的一部分。Pajamas became a part of the fabric of Shanghai.

为50000读者写篇博文,穿着睡衣写。Writing a post for 50, 000 people, in my pajamas.

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也可以选择深浅不一的蓝色床上用品,穿上蓝色的睡衣。Choose bedding in shades of blue and wear blue pajamas.

穿着睡衣的人们呲着牙。People in pajamas were sucking air between their teeth.

睡觉时,我脱去衣服,换上睡衣。At bedtime, I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas.