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约翰逊在80年代是湖人的后卫。Magic Johnson was a Laker guard in the 80's.

湖人队中今天没有第二个人打得像冠军成员。No other Laker played like a champion today.

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我希望我余下的生涯都能是一位湖人队队员。I want to be a Laker for the rest of my life.

我接过电话他说到,‘米奇,我想成为一名湖人球员。’I got on and he said, 'Mitch, I want to be a Laker.

现在,老鱼估计他成为另外一个被爵士球迷狂嘘的湖人球员了。Now, Fisher figures he's just another Laker getting an earful from Utah fans.

但是作为一个忠实的湖人球迷,我希望你可以在紫金湖人退役。But as a longtime Laker fan, I want you to retire in a purple and gold uniform.

湖人拉拉队候选人们为拉拉队选拔选择了不同款式的鞋袜。Laker Girl hopefuls chose different types of footwear for the cheerleading auditions.

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自从科比布莱恩特加入湖人已经过去12年了,自那时他便一直是我们的科比。It's almost 12 years since Kobe Bryant became a Laker and he's been ours all that time.

这就是一个优秀制服组和垃圾制服组的差距,湖蜜应该很生气才对。This is the difference between a great FO and a shitty one. Laker fans should be pissed.

难道科比需要通过在总决赛赢下凯尔特人来超越所有其他湖人伟大的名宿,最终成为湖人之王么?Does Kobe need a NBA finals win over Boston to surpass all other Laker greats as King of LA?

看看周围,这世界的大多数人并非长得像湖人啦啦女郎或女狼俱乐部的服务员。Look around. Most of the world does not look like the Laker Girls or even Coyote Ugly waitresses.

他有可能将对位中锋加索尔,而加索尔来到湖人后也还没有碰到过坎比。He is probably going to be matched against center Pau Gasol, who has yet to play Camby as a Laker.

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也许这是因为每次科比穿上湖人的球衣都会让人觉得这是他最后一次穿着湖人的队服。Maybe it's because of the mounting feeling that each time he wears a Laker uniform it could be the last.

是的,我是一个湖人球迷,我写文章也是从一个科密的角度。所以请不要指责我的偏见。And yes, I am a Laker fan. I write articles from a Laker fan's point of view. So don't accuse me of bias.

尽管据报道老鱼将在周六与热火方面进行会见,巴斯仍让非常自信老鱼会留下来。While Fisher is reportedly scheduled to meet with Miami on Saturday, Buss is confident he will remain a Laker.

当两人分开后,奥尼尔帮助热火赢得一次总冠军,而布莱恩特在湖人队已经戴上了第四个和第五个总冠军戒指。since their split, O’Neal has won one more, with the Heat, and Bryant now has his fourth and fifth as a Laker.

回归到去年那个有速度但不失高度、灵活性、而且一直让湖人统治赛场并一路杀到总决赛的阵式。Return to that quick yet tall, flexible, dominant Laker starting lineup that brought us to the finals last year.

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湖人是现在NBA第二年轻的球队,你们应该为他们的成熟感到一点点的欣慰。Being the second youngest team in the NBA you have to be at least semi-pleased with the way this Laker team is maturing.

湖人获胜的话将得到一个平局优势,在季后赛种子争夺中获得对快船的排位优势。Laker victory would ensure the tie-breaker, guaranteeing that the Lakers finish higher in the standings than the Clippers.

在阿泰最新的访问系列里,他接受了关于独特性和人格魅力的访问。In the latest turn of Ron Artest-related events, the Laker star was interviewed by a man of equal uniqueness and personality.