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虽然失去了一些机会,但最终与泡泡网的合并也让他很满足。Although lost a few chances, but final with hubble-bubble net amalgamative also make him very satisfactory.

常为单发,也可以多发,甚至合并其他类型的脑血管畸形。Often be single shot, also can send more, the cerebral blood-vessel of amalgamative even and other type is unbalanced.

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无合并症的消化性溃疡,大多数药物治疗能取得较满意效果。Without the digestibility ulcer of amalgamative disease, great majority medications can obtain more satisfactory result.

消息人士周露,雅虎正在就与AOL合并同时代华纳进行谈判。Message personage week is shown, yahoo is undertaking negotiating with respect to as amalgamative as AOL coetaneous Wanner.

表现为反复出现的面神经瘫痪和面部肿胀,合并皱襞舌。Expression breaks down for the facial nerve that appears repeatedly and facial strut, amalgamative knit tongue folding in a garment.

国家经贸委和体改委对工业企业实行合并或兼并制定出新的规定。National classics trade appoint change with body appoint execute to industrial business amalgamative or annex drafts a new regulation.

排行榜称,他最大的败笔是策划AOL与美国时代华纳集团的合并。Pop chart says, his largest a faulty stroke in calligraphy or painting is concoctive AOL and group of American times Wanner is amalgamative.

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有消息称,雅虎仍在与时代华纳加紧谈判,寻求与后者旗下互联网部门AOL合并。The message says, yahoo still is in with the times Wanner intensifies negotiating, seek as amalgamative as AOL of branch of the Internet below latter standard.

若病人出现中枢性过度换气现象时,则应考虑是否合并败血症和脑血管意外。If sex of patient occurrence centre is excessive when phenomenon of take a breath, should consider whether amalgamative septicemia and cerebral blood-vessel accident.

当然这要看感染的程度,如为单纯性尿道炎,无合并症,又经过及时的治疗,是不会引起不孕不育的。Of course the rate that this wants to treat infection, if be pure sex urethritis, without amalgamative disease, pass seasonable cure again, it is to won't cause infecund barren.

有的胃下垂病人,还合并有其他脏器如肾、肝、脾、横结肠下垂,称之为全内脏下垂。Some gastroptosis patients, amalgamative still if kidney, liver, lienal , transverse colon is flagging, have other internal organs of the body, say for completely splanchnic prolapse.

在月经初潮期与接近更年期临床之月经失调及经行合并症,多数与肾气虚有密切关系。InMenstruationMenarche period and approach the turn of life clinicalMenstruationMaladjusted reach classics travel amalgamative disease, majority and kidney deficiency of vital energy have affinity.