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投降还是修正?Capitulation or correction? This is a correction.

终于,日本天皇宣布投降。At last, the emperor of Japan announced capitulation.

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熊市的尽头往往是投资者的茫然麻木而非大举溃退。Bear markets often end not in capitulation but stupefaction.

让美国一直担忧的消费紧缩终于到来了。The long-feared capitulation of American consumers has arrived.

侵略军在守军投降后仍将多人屠杀了。The invading army had massacred many of the garrison after capitulation.

他在南部邦联投降的第二天即去了里士满,听取李的投降书。He entered Richmond the day after its surrender, and heard of Lee's capitulation.

但McAfee表示,微软此举是缴械投降的迹象。However, McAfee said the move is a sign of capitulation on the part of Microsoft.

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投资者放弃抵抗是判断最终牛市见底的一个信号。Investor capitulation is one of the final signs he looks for at a bear-market bottom.

今天市场貌似触底,而如果明天股市进一步下滑,那么今天的谷底就不能作数了。What seems like capitulation today will no longer qualify if the market goes even lower tomorrow. Mr.

巴黎投降的前八天,他和一个伙伴对调了职务,参加了骑兵队伍。Eight days before the capitulation of Paris he had just exchanged with a comrade and entered the cavalry.

对于进行中的通胀和正在开始的剧烈通缩还有任何疑问吗?Is there any doubt about this ongoing inflation capitulation and the beginning of sharp deflationary forces?

投资者看到好机会去购买,但同时也可能被套牢。Investors are seeing good opportunities to buy, and that could be as a sign of potential capitulation as well.

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集团军参谋长拉斯金少将作为代表接受了德军南部集群的投降。Chief of staff of 64th army General-Major I. Laskin formally accepted capitulation of the Southern German pocket.

缺乏团结和进步纲领的抗战,终久会有一天要改为投降,或者归于失败。Without a programme for unity and progress, resistance must sooner or later turn into capitulation or end in defeat.

但对于凡非坚决投降和坚决反共的人,则必须采取团结政策。However, our policy must be one of unity with all those who are not absolutely set in their capitulation and anti-communism.

在交战双方为对待战俘公约之签约国时,该公约所规定事项得无需要详列于投降协议中。In the event both belligerents are parties to GPW, little or nothing more on that subject need be included in the capitulation.

但不论他们采取哪种措施,当务之急是要快速恢复市场的信心,否则当前的救助措施可能演变成为投降的信号。Whatever they do, they will need to act fast to restore market confidence or the current correction could turn to capitulation.

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同时他们通过对于我们的要求不断拖延最后的投降来作为回应,尽管他们知道自己大势已去。At the same time they respond by dragging out their final capitulation to our demands, in spite of knowing that their cause is lost.

那麽,是否存在刺激市场投降式下跌的灾难性事件发生,或者政府快速行动改变市场走势的可能呢?So is that disastrous event that might kick off a capitulation likely to happen or will governments act quickly enough to head it off?

不过从长期来看,恐慌性抛盘可能将价格打压至真正的投降式局面,从而触发一轮反弹行情。In a longer term, however, the panic sell -off could drive prices down into true capitulation which often follows by a tradable bounce.