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你又如何看待他们?How do you perceive them?

我的意思你明白了吗?。Do you perceive what I mean?

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我们看得出他是要求进步的。We perceive him wish to make progress.

你们还不省悟,还不明白吗。perceive ye not yet, neither understand?

我从她那里根本得不到什么。I could perceive nothing at all from her.

你把米申向父亲一样看待吗?Do you perceive Mishin as a father figure?

阿根廷人们都对这个问题怎么看?How do the people of Argentina perceive it?

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这样,甚至多数人也觉出这差别。Thus even the many perceive the difference.

这总可以看出我弱智吧。This always can perceive my feebleminded bar.

你深入细察人民,就能发现真理。Gaze past the people , you will perceive truth.

如果没做到,我明白人们就会觉得我沉闷。If not, I know people may perceive me as quiet.

因为没人可以感知他或她的美。Because nobody might perceive his or her beauty.

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洞悉不能以肉眼所见之事。Perceive that which cannot be seen with the eye.

你会看见鱼从水中出来。You will perceive the fish rise out of the water.

先生们,女士们,我看到你们不开心。Messieurs et daffies, I perceive that you are sad.

但是您可以感觉到的任何奇怪的东西都是表面的。But any oddness that you might perceive is superficial.

人们以不同的方式感知并回应音乐。People perceive and respond to music in different ways.

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他们一点也不在乎你是怎么表现你自己的。They don’t care about how you perceive yourself at all.

当我认知一个不同之时,我只是暂时地认知它。When I perceive a difference, I perceive it temporally.

我仅仅是清楚明白地感知到它是真实的。Well I just clearly and distinctly perceive it to be true.