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不要使用普通易读的词语命名内部变量。Do not use normal legible words to name internal variables.

不要使用普通易读的词语命名内部变量Do not use normal legible words when naming internal variables

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马龙注意到了其中一个墓碑上的碑文,很难看清。Malone noticed the epitaph on one of the stones, barely legible.

请断定您的文件复印件是有效的及可辨证的。Please ensure that your Scanned documents are valid and legible.

你选择那种字体,,即清晰易读。Whichever typeface you select, choose on that is highly legible.

纪录应保持清楚易读、可鑑别及追溯。Records shall be and remain legible , identifiable and traceable.

在命名内部变量时,避免使用普通易读的词语。When naming internal variables, avoid using normal legible words.

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记录应保持清晰、易于识别和检索。Records shall remain legible readily identifiable and retrievable.

唯一能看清的是那个破损信封上的寄信人的住址。The only thing legible on the torn envelope was the return address.

自动打码、高速、字码清晰。Printing automatically, with high speed and legible character codes.

标识应为易读且不易磨掉的,文字也应使用易理解的词语。The mark must be legible and indelible, and the characters easily decipherable.

信封已磨损,惟有寄信人的住址还清晰可辨。The envelope was worn and the only thing that was legible on it was the return address.

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在纸页上端的方块橡皮图章戳记上,他们姓名的首字母仍清晰可见。Their initials were still legible on the boxshaped rubber stamp at the top of the page.

第一行代码,我用紫色标记,这样增加了可读性。Well, the first line of code, I'll fix the purple next time around so it's more legible.

从中可以看出,UML提供了灵活、易读且无二义性的表达模式。So it is clear that UML provided a nimble, legible and also non-ambiguous expression pattern.

这些都是微不足道的事情,但是做好这些会使程序变得非常明晰。These are little things, but doing them consistently makes a program appreciably more legible.

下课后或实验后,我会把笔记重温一遍,以确保它们清楚易读及我能明白它的意思.。After a lecture or lab I reread my notes to make sure they are legible and that I understand them.

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作者须记住手稿中的图排版印刷时将会缩小,因此需保证缩小时图和标记仍是清晰的。It is the author's responsibility to ensure that figure lines and labels are legible when reduced.

他不慌不忙,认认真真地写下一串纤细而清晰的字迹。Then he sat down next to Voisin and began to write, carefully, without hurry, a thin legible hand.

过去,副本是用复写纸复写出来的,一般只能打五份。In the old days, people made copies with carbon paper . You could only make about five legible copies.