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拖运,拖曳,拖船费。To tow by tugboat.

我需要一辆牵引车。I need a tow truck.

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您需要辆拖吊车吗?。Do you need a tow truck?

一二三四五。One tow three four five.

围棋是一种两人玩的中国游戏。Weiqi is a Chinese game for tow.

我有两个哥哥和一个姊姊。I have tow bather and one sister.

小样的,你有两下子。Small one, you have tow down son.

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谁能来帮帮拖车托尼?Who will help Tony the Tow Truck?

你能派个托车的来吗?。Would you please send a tow truck?

恩泰兄真有两把刷子!En Tai Brother real has tow brushes!

我需要请两天事假。I need a personal leave for tow days.

以托尼的拖车为例。Take, for example, Tony the Tow Truck.

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害怕的母牛赌咒不拖元音字母。The cowardly cow vows not to tow vowels.

滑翔机与拖行机分开。The glider uncoupled from the tow plane.

胆怯的母牛发誓不拖母音字母。the cowardly cow vows not to tow vowels.

过去马常常沿运河拖船。Horses used to tow barges along the canal.

汽车牵引电机及健身器电机换向器。Automobile tow motor and keep fit equipment.

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最令人惊叹的是发现了两个金耳环。The most amazing find was tow gold earrings.

我厂有两只宠物,一只是黄狗,一只是黑狗。I have tow pets. It's a yellow and black dog.

她在玛格丽特的前额上吻了一下便转身走了。She dropped a kiss on Margaret's tow head and