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福勒僵硬地站在附近奥塞布尔。Fowler was standing stiffly near Ausable.

进球的分别是博格与福勒。Patrik Berger and Robbie Fowler were on target.

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和他同名的苹果,福勒苹果,至今仍有种植。His namesake apple, the Fowler apple, is still cultivated.

福勒博士说,现在这个问题还未找到行之有效的解决方法。It is not clear how to resolve that problem, Dr. Fowler said.

“我憎恨谈论足球。我只亲身力行,你们知道吗?”罗比-福勒。"I hate talking about football. I just do it, you know?" Robbie Fowler.

利物浦传奇罗宾福勒又一次穿上了红色的9号球衣。Livepool legend Robbie Fowler has pulled on the red, No 9 shirt once again.

罗基奋不顾身地救了金杰一命。福勒因此改变了对罗基的看法。Rocky risks his life to save Ginger's. Fowler changes his opinion of Rocky.

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没有人像上帝一样缺乏速度和技术…There are some great goalscorers, but none as lacking in pace or skill as Fowler.

我觉得我要和艾米。法拉赫。福勒分享一下,她就喜欢这种俏皮话。I think I shall share that with Amy Farrah Fowler. She'll appreciate the witticism.

鲁多克脾气暴躁,罗比•福勒曾证实他甚至会向自己的队友发脾气。Ruddock had a temper, which would sometimes boil over as Robbie Fowler would testify.

要救自己,入炉脱离猎户的手,如鸟脱离捕鸟人的手。Save yourself like a gazelle from the hunter, like a bird from the hand of the fowler.

米尔顿凯恩斯主教练凯尔·罗宾逊在红军作青训教练时就熟悉福勒。Dons manager Karl Robinson knows Fowler from his time as an academy coach with the Reds.

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我的就是丹尼墨菲,迈克尔欧文,杰米雷德克纳普,迪迪哈曼,萨米海皮亚和罗比福勒。Mine are Danny Murphy, Michael Owen, Jamie Redknapp, Didi Hamann, Sami Hyypia, Robbie Fowler.

要救自己,如鹿脱离猎户的手,如鸟脱离捕鸟人的手。Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.

然后到了2004年,福乐先生向安妮斯顿星报的记者坦言当时他开枪了。Then in 2004, Mr. Fowler confessed to a reporter for The Anniston Star that he had fired the gun.

虽然福勒可能还没有把这些词汇描绘为虚假语气,但这些词汇有可能把读者引入歧途。Fowler may not have described them as false scents.But they have potential to lead readers astray.

这位年轻的利物浦人富有侵略性的门前嗅觉被拿来与罗比福勒对比。The young Scouser drew comparisons with Robbie Fowler for his predatory instincts in front of goal.

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戴维·福勒和妻子一起照顾94岁的老母亲玛丽·鲁斯。David Fowler and his wife, Gloria, take care of his 94-year-old mother Mary Ruth, a retired teacher.

在索内斯和伊文斯手下踢了5年球,福勒只获得了1995年的联赛杯冠军。In five seasons under Graeme Souness and Roy Evans, Fowler won only one trophy, the 1995 League Cup.

“吸烟者曾是这些社交圈落得焦点人物,”福勒博士说,“但他们现在已经成了局外人。”"Smokers used to be the center of the party, " Dr. Fowler said, "but now they've become wallflowers.