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木柴在火中哔哔剥剥烧的正旺。The logs were burning briskly in the fire.

但是女鬼杳无踪迹。But female the ghost without trace briskly.

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许多条船在海上破浪前进。Many boats ploughed briskly through the sea.

遇到尊长,要快速的走到他的面前。When meeting an elder, walk briskly towards him.

它加速很轻快,不会阻碍交通。It accelerates briskly enough not to hold up traffic.

然后他站起来,跛着腿轻快地向东出口走去。Then he stood up and limped briskly toward the east exit.

罗达在兴致勃勃地吩咐脚夫搬运行李。Rhoda was briskly giving the porter orders about the luggage.

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东行,向麦迪逊大街走去。Outside, he started walking briskly east toward Madison Avenue.

Kent精神奕奕地进入了和办公室连在一起的小饭厅。Kent briskly enters a small dining room connected to his office.

用你的指关节要轻快揉合谷穴30秒的点。Use your knuckles to briskly rub the Hoku point for thirty seconds.

西斯科轻快地把美国在重大问题上的立场放了出去。Sisco briskly doled out the United States positions on the key issues.

大炮近旁的士兵更忙碌,更活跃了。The soldiers bustled more busily and briskly than ever about the cannons.

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他轻巧地跳过篱笆,走向一个长满荒草的沟。He skipped briskly over the fence, and made for an overgrown ditch and bank.

因此,现在的政策对于经济复苏迅速的亚洲来讲还过于宽松。They are consequently too loose for a region that is recover in gso briskly.

这期杂志很快就一售而空,并且一直是我们追寻的论点之一。The magazine briskly sold out and remained one of our most sought after issues.

我拿着礼物向医院赶去,步伐轻快的走向Luke的病房。I hurried to the hospital with the gift in my hands.I walked briskly to Luke's ward.

保安迅速地冲了过来,于是我快步朝好朋友高迪走过去。The bouncer approached very quickly so I walked briskly towards my best friend Goldie.

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马车匆匆驶过长杳的街道,进入烟尘弥漫的市中区。The carriage rolled briskly through the long streets into the smoky downtown district.

爱玲神气活现地走了进来,她苗条的身躯照常穿得很华丽。Aileen came briskly , vigorously in, her beautiful body clothed as decoratively as ever.

安德斯与拉鲁兹躺在草地上,洛娜欢快地在河边戏着水。Both men lay on the grass, watching Ilona playing briskly in the water of the riverside.