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但要检查你的发音。Check the pronunciation.

我们更惊叹她那动人的发音。We marvel at her pronunciation.

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他们嘲笑她的发音。They mocked at her pronunciation.

所以你的发音很重要。So your pronunciation is important.

他嘲笑菲力普的发音。He mocked at Philip's pronunciation.

词用得没错,音还是读错了。Right term, but wrong pronunciation.

他的发音简直坏透了。His pronunciation is simply terrible.

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她的英语发音还说得过去。Her English pronunciation is passable.

我强调单词的读音。I emphasized the pronunciation of the words.

她的英语发音很正确。She speaks English with a good pronunciation.

雅思口语学习技巧雅思口语学习技巧10.06.13。How to improve your pronunciation Tips 10.06.13

你能就我的发音提一些建议吗?Can you give me some advice on my pronunciation?

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这是一种习惯而又固定的读法。This is a kind of habit and fixed pronunciation.

而1314的发音则和“一生一世”相似。The pronunciation of 1314 is similar to 'for ever.

发音时,双唇运动的辅音。The pronunciation of a consonant with an aspirate.

她说她在发音方面有困难。She said she had some difficulty with pronunciation.

你应该十分注意你的发音。You should pay much attention to your pronunciation.

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事实上,说话流利不仅需要说话速度,它同时还涉及重音、语音和语调。It also involves stress, pronunciation and intonation.

非重读字首音的省略。Omission of a final or initial sound in pronunciation.

我变得越来越注重语调和发音。I’ve become more aware of intonation and pronunciation.