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美国可能减少对第三梯队的国家的援助。To arrange or take place in an echelon.

我很伤心,但是我不能连累梯队。I am very sad, but I can not incriminate echelon.

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受断裂带影响和控制,垦东地区的断裂整体为NE或NNE走向的雁列式分布的多条断裂。The faults of Kendong area is en echelon fracture taking on NE and NNE.

血腥的袭击引起了以色列高级政治阶层的谴责。The bloody attack drew condemnation from Israel's top political echelon.

从保护儿童的总体情况来看,美国肯定名列前茅。In terms of overall child protection, the United States is certainly in the top echelon.

矿脉数量多,规模大小不一,多呈雁列式平行展布于次级断裂的南侧。Many small ore veins are distributed in echelon form in the south side of secondary fault.

曼威斯山英国皇家空军是英国一个和美国埃施朗全球谍报网相勾连的军事基地。RAF Menwith Hill is a British military base with connections to the global ECHELON spy network.

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矿体呈脉带状平行侧列、尖灭再现展布。The ore bodies display parallel , en echelon and end-to-end alignment, occurring as a vein zone.

VL85完全可以跻身火车界的第一梯队,它行驶的路线是俄罗斯非常著名的东西伯利亚大铁路。The VL85 is among the highest echelon of motors that patrol Russia's famous East Siberian Railways.

在安德烈·贝尔福工艺符合知道是怎么实现的最高层次的艺术生产。At Andre Belfort craftsmanship meets know how to achieve the highest echelon of artistic production.

中国是世界上重要的阳光地带国家,拥有巨大的光伏发电能力。China, in particular, features in the top echelon of Sunbelt countries with a tremendous PV potential.

NBA历史殿堂上排位靠前的肯定是张伯伦、魔术师约翰逊以及飞人乔丹了。The upper echelon of the NBA includes Wilt Chamberlain, Magic Johnson, Dr. J, and His Airness himself.

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就是这样的特质,让塔克薛拉在波士顿的「敌军身份」晋升到一个新的官阶。They are the sort of attributes that should push Teixeira toward a new echelon of enemy-dom in Beantown.

全场连续的变形数据清晰地反映了雁列断层结构的变形破坏过程的各种细节。The whole failure process of the echelon fault structure is revealed by evolution of the deformation field.

采用电镜扫描的手段,观察了HBT梯度滤料的组织结构,进行了结构分析。By dint of the means of scanning electron microscope, the structure of HBT echelon filter media is analyzed.

对于谢亚龙的这种行为,足协内的大多数中层干部都表示了不屑。Regarding Xie Yalong's this behavior, in soccer association's majority medium echelon cadre expressed disdains.

这次阅兵展示了56个方队,其中徒步方队14个、装备方队30个、空中梯队12个。The parade shows the 56 side teams, including teams of 14 square foot, equipment side force 30, air echelon 12.

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而鲁能先后对付实力不弱的天津和保级的长沙,困难不小。But Luneng copes with strength not weak Tianjin and the echelon Changsha successively, the difficulty is not small.

同时,他们身边的合伙人定向律师虽然为了升级需要更加努力工作,但是也会得到更优厚的薪酬和更好的工作机会。At the same time, those associates hired into a higher echelon will work harder, but get paid more and receive better work.

由此显示,东部、中部和西部地域高等教育范围扩铺对GDP增加的长期贡献由高到低呈梯次分布。This shows that, the rates in eastern, central and western regions, from high to low, are in line with echelon distribution.