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她死一般地沉寂起来。She became deathly quiet.

不,白,即死仍是彩色。No, white , that deathly still color.

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窗外的严寒就是致命的理由。The cold has reason in a deathly grip.

家里面死一般地寂静。There was a deathly stillness in the house.

这不就是那个臭名昭著的凶手杰克死时的样子吗?The figure I saw was the deathly figure of the infamous Jack the Ripper.

一种时疫正在教会蔓延,不久整个教会就会病入膏肓。An epidemic was spreading, and soon the whole church would be deathly ill.

那个胆小鬼向另一个房间退去,脸色煞白。Thee coward was backing, his face being deathly pale, toward another room.

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他怕针头怕得要死,所以他没有大国东也没有刺身。He is deathly afraid of needles, so he doesn't have any piercings or tattoos.

如今,与1984-85年相反的是,反对电视播放凄惨的画面的呼声更强了。Today, in contrast to 1984-85, the argument against deathly images is stronger.

死寂无波的环境不会发出芳香,不会有生命力。Environment of deathly stillness doesn't give out fragrance and has no vitality.

又或是最好能出现在哈利波特也死圣这部电影中呢?And best of all actually appearing in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows itself?

难以言状的恐惧引起死一般的寂静,可怕的预兆将要到来。Unspeakable horrors ensue in a deathly silence, a dreadful omen for what is to come.

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然而,我躲在树后刚把目光汇聚到它发光的身体时,一鼓寒冷至极的冷气向我席卷而来。Yet as I watched it's blue glow hover through the trees, a deathly chill swept over me.

两个集团都在极度恐惧中操作,深怕在错误的方向采取大举行动。Both camps are deathly afraid to do either, fearing a massive move in the wrong direction.

然而,连接东部的那些曾经肥沃的土地上却是一片像无人区一般死寂。Eastward stretches a no-man's land where once fertile fields lie desolate and deathly still.

表面看,是华府方面担心不受控制的国有化。The answer seems to be that Washington remains deathly afraid of the N-word — nationalization.

现在心灵空间已经变得空无一物,整个世界一片死寂。Now the mind space already changed empty, an entire spiritual world is piece of deathly stillness.

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一丝发抖的声音,在空气中愈颤愈细,细到没有,周围便都是死一般静。A faint, tremulous sound vibrated in the air, then faded and died away. All around was deathly still.

当致命苍白爬行了在她的面孔时,约翰尼拿着白色穿的新娘紧反对他的尸体。Johnny held the white-clad bride tight against his dead body while a deathly pallor crept over her face.

四下里万籁无声,这小庙中似乎就只这个老僧。It was deathly silent in the little temple, which was apparently uninhabited except for this one old monk.