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我的燃烧器看起来像这样。My burner looks like this.

一个CD刻录机和一张空白的CD。A CD burner and a blank CD.

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那是烧炭的。That was a charcoal burner.

在每一个硒诱导燃烧器。An induction burner at Per Se.

在灶上放一煎锅。Put a frying pan on the burner.

一名化装了的火人驻足观看Mutopia。A costumed burner stops to watch Mutopia.

你应该把那个项目放一放。You should put porject on the back burner.

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把本生灯放在防热的垫子上。Put the Bunsen burner on a heat-proof mat3.

但是你不能总是处在次要地位。But you can’t always stay on the back burner.

使用后,清洗和消毒断尾器。Clean and disinfect the tail burner after use.

我用一个打火机,呜,我烧断了线。I take a burner , and I burn away this thread.

只需要一个大型燃烧器,使历史。It only takes one mega burner to make history.

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双组燃烧喷嘴,升温快且均匀。Dual burner nozzle, heating up fast and evenly.

克瑞托斯最后一次和焚尸人谈话。Kratos speaks with the body burner one last time.

便携式军用帐篷野营炉炉床营。"Portable" burner stove camping tents, army camp.

燃烧香薰油后,香薰炉上馀下的油怎样清洗?。How to clean the rest of essential oil in the burner?

做热可可的时候,你得用到本生喷灯和烧杯。You make hot cocoa with a Bunsen burner and a beaker.

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德国化学家罗伯特·本生发明本生灯。Bunsen burner invented by German chemist Robert Bunsen.

在桌子底下,一个炭炉暖着我们的双膝。Under the table, a charcoal burner kept our knees warm.

开启锅炉或热水器,使系统上升到设计温度。Fire the burner to bring system up to design temperature.