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然而,大多数突变是有害的。However, most mutations are deleterious.

税收政策的一体化也会产生相似的恶果。Harmonizing taxes would have similarly deleterious consequences.

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有害的隐性基因在正常菌木中不表现出来。In normal seedlings the deleterious recessive genes are not expressed.

寒冷的天气对菊花产生了极有害的影响。The cold weather had most deleterious consequences among the chrysanthemums.

关于操作方面,已证实支架的过度后扩张和支架重叠是最有害的。Among procedural issues, stent overexpansion and overlap have proven most deleterious.

除了聚砜膜以外使用高浓度氯对膜均有害。Except for polysulfone membranes, use of high chlorine levels is deleterious to the membrane.

实际上,有越来越多的证据表明,过量的摄取某种微量营养素会对人体有害。In fact, there is increasing evidence that excessive intake of certain micronutrients is deleterious.

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冶金工厂高温、粉尘、有毒有害等恶劣环境下的作业,如转炉下的不停炉清渣作业。It can work in a high-temperature, dusty, and deleterious environment, for example, under the converter.

乳品中含有有害微生物不适合食用是基本常识。It is also common knowledge that milk containing deleterious organisms is an unsuitable article of food.

解释有性生殖如何起到从基因组中消除有害基因的作用,主要有两种假设。There are two main hypotheses which explain how sex may act to remove deleterious genes from the genome.

少年和青少年对于这样的偏见和愚昧的承受能力是特别的脆弱。Children and adolescents may be particularly vulnerable to the deleterious effects of bias and stereotypes.

警官说道,“这是蓄意偷盗,他简直就是一个犯有伤害罪的少年罪犯。”It was a deliberate act of stealing. He is nothing less than a juvenile delinquent who commits deleterious acts.

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炉侧装有排气罩,与车间的排汽管相连接,排除电极盐浴炉所产生的有害气体。The side of furnace installed exhaust cover, be joined with workshop's vent-pipe , eliminate the deleterious gas.

事实上,一些专家担心,如果人们对在线隐私变得过于偏执,可能产生有害影响。In fact, some experts worry that if people become too paranoid about online privacy, it could have deleterious effects.

事实上,大量使用能源和化学农药的耕作方式所带来的毒害性影响往往远甚其利。When in fact the deleterious effects of energy and chemical intensive agricultural methods often outweigh the benefits.

多数植物带有大量有害的隐性基因的“遗传负荷”,其中少数是纯合的,因而降低了生长。Most plants carry a large genetic load for deleterious recessive genes of which a few are homozygous and depress growth.

骨形态发生蛋白存在于全身各个组织中,以各种方式影响着细胞的发展,其中一些方式有害无益。BMP, which is found in tissues throughout the body, affects cellular development in various ways, some of them deleterious.

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舒尼替尼可能有较强的抗血管生成能力,但在某些情况下,这可能有有害的影响。Sunitinib probably has a higher potency in terms of anti-angiogenesis but in some cases this may have a deleterious effect.

这一研究同时表明,白藜芦醇或可以用于防治人类的久坐习惯引起的身体机能衰退。This study also suggests that resveratrol may be able to prevent the deleterious consequences of sedentary behaviors in humans.

多不饱和脂肪酸和纤维摄入较少在自杀倾向者中的潜在危害值得进一步研究。Potential deleterious effects of low intake of polyunsaturated fat and fiber among suicide attempters merit further investigation.