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你是不能阻止我的,小蜜。You can't stop me, missy.

你还记得吗,米西?Don't you remember, Missy?

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“请不要。”米西突然说道。"Please no. "said Missy suddenly.

我想你没听懂我的意思,小姑娘。I don't think you heard me, missy.

“是的。”米西说道。她的新生活就这样开始了。"Yes. " Said Missy. And her new life began.

噢,对不起,我本不想问的!“米西什么也没说。Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to ask! " Missy said nothing."

胖女,肥妈,靓妹坐在椅子上打哈欠。Fat lady, big mama, Missy Bimbo sits in her chair and yawns.

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“可以用你的电话说句话儿吗?”他流里流气地问。May I say a word to your telephone, missy? he asked roguishly.

密西·亨利克森代表美国国家害虫管理协会发言。Missy Henriksen speaks for the National Pest Management Association.

“对,”阿不福思生硬地说,“读了丽塔·斯基特,是吗,小姑娘?”"Yes, " said Aberforth tersely. "Been reading Rita Skeeter, have you, missy?"

伊丽莎白“小乔”黑斯林,8,她在布鲁姆菲尔德家门口的比赛。Elizabeth "Missy" Hessling, 8, races to the front door of her home in Broomfield.

作为一名爱尔兰人,我很自豪。难道你忘记了,姑娘,你也有一半是爱尔兰血统。It's proud I am that I'm Irish and don't you be forgetting Missy that you're half-Irish too.

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他们可能会在年底成功克隆出密斯,也可能再过五年都不会成功。They just might succeed in cloning Missy later this year—or perhaps not for another five years.

伊丽莎白“小乔”黑斯林耐心等待她的父亲,罗伊,很快在学校刷她的头发。Elizabeth "Missy" Hessling waits patiently as her father, Roy, quickly brushes her hair before school.

伊丽莎白“小乔”黑斯林,8次为她的兄弟建立一个男孩的卧室战斗舰艇独自乐高。Elizabeth "Missy" Hessling, 8, plays by herself as her brothers build Lego ships for a battle in the boys' bedroom.

她比芭巴•布雷肯漂亮得多,但是太苗条。有人听见芭巴说米茜的胸部就像男人一样平。She was much more beautiful than Barba Bracken, but slender, and Barba was heard to say that Missy was flat as a boy.

米丝不认为这个绰号有趣,因为她是一个虔诚的天主教徒,不喜欢别人拿她信仰的宗教开玩笑。Missy was not amused at this nickname because she was a good Catholic and didn't like clowning around about her religion.

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蜜西是个有照护士。她很幸运地能在台北荣民总医院的产房工作。Missy is a registered nurse, and she is fortunate enough to work in the maternity ward of Veteran's General Hospital in Taipei.

有趣的是,这种用来形容克隆人的言辞竟然来自一位已花费数百万美金试图克隆一只13岁的名叫密斯的狗的人。That's an interesting choice of adjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy.

这个形容词选得很有意思,说这话的人已经投入数百万美元试图克隆一条名叫“米茜”的13岁的狗。That's an interesting choice of adjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy.