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你是三八。You are stupid.

一只愚蠢的袋熊。A stupid wombat.

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别装傻了。Don't be stupid.

你这笨蛋。You stupid cunt.

你这个笨女人!You stupid woman!

我爱的傻。I love the stupid.

你这蠢蛋!You stupid maggot!

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你这人好浑啊!How stupid you are!

发一封傻傻的笑话邮件。E-mail a stupid joke.

快把这条笨鱼吃掉!Take the stupid fish.

那是多笨的主意。That's a stupid idea.

你在装糊涂。You are being stupid.

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你真是个白痴。You are stupid idiot.

你是个超级大傻蛋。You are super stupid.

我觉得我好笨。I feel kind of stupid.

多蠢的一个节日。What a stupid holiday.

他一点也不傻。He is not stupid at all.

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你这个愚蠢的小悍妇!You stupid little bitch!

若有骄傲心,就是愚痴。Being arrogant is stupid.

你怎么会那么傻?How can you be so stupid?