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我只是在练习人际交流和社交举止。Practice human interaction and social comportment.

然而,实践中却存在滥用知识产权行为。However, practically there still is the comportment of abusing intellectual property right.

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我不受空间、时间和举止的任何束缚,随着内心的意愿到处逛。I went here and there at my own dear will, bound by no limits of space, time or comportment.

支持他的一项主要证物就是去年政府四分五裂的情况下共和党人的态度。One of his chief exhibits is the Republicans' comportment during the past year of divided government.

读下面的文章,去学习如何将办公室布置地既舒适,又让你充满灵感。Read and know on how to create a place for your office that will give you comportment and inspiration.

士兵可以在舱内大于360度地监测周围环境。Its crew can thus monitor its immediate environment over 360 degrees from the safety of its crew comportment.

这被认为是中国政府改变资本项目管制的一系列举动之一。This is considered as Chinese government to change one of a series of comportment of capital project control.

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它指的是你在可预料和出人意料的情境下该如何行为,不管有多少双眼睛盯着你。Comportment is knowledge of how to behave in expected and unexpected situations regardless of how many eyes are on you.

人马配合完成动作时,信息交流和沟通能否有效地进行,是决定马术运动成败的关键。It is essential to the success of the equestrianism, information exchange and communication can be effective in the comportment of rider and horse.

选举人在此处并不需要对候选人未来的表现表示盲目的信任,只需对一个已经完成的产品表示赞同或是不赞同即可。The voter does not express blind confidence in the future comportment of one of the candidates. He approves or disapproves of an already accomplished service.

他明白总统的权利应该涉及广泛而且应集中控制,即使只是形式上的个人行为,也应将其牢牢守住、维护住。He understood the powers of the presidency to be broad, centrally controlled, jealously guarded, and always preserved, even in the formalities of personal comportment.

如果以后他检讨他的过去,他会觉得他在任何情形下的行为,都是被行为时的那一个他所完全决定的。If later he reviews his past, he is aware of the fact that his comportment in any situation was fully determined by the kind of man he was at the instant of the action.

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大家还时时自我检查和及时纠正平日言谈举止中不合威仪,不如法的地方。Everyone also occasionally inspects selfishness and promptly corrects areas in daily speech and comportment that may not be consistent with formality or in accord with Dharma.

他还说,中国对美国的态度比以前成熟的多,而且,双方之间也比原来有更多沟通渠道。Mr Jin says that China’s comportment with America is much more mature than it used to be and notes that the two sides enjoy much better channels of communication than they had.

因此,我们不但能够就智力能力而且就行为举止、总体教育和总体态度等方面来说培养一个与职业风范相符的综合型人才。We are therefore able to form the total person in terms not only of intellectual competencies but also of behaviors, general education and general comportment consistent with the profession.

据星期三的报道,英国一所私立大学对13到14岁的学生开设了礼仪必修课,以此在这个充满无礼的非正式行为的世界里改善他们的行为举止。A private British college is starting compulsory etiquette classes for 13- to 14-year-olds to sharpen up their comportment in a world of ill-mannered informality , it was reported on Wednesday.

通过对该仪器的研发,希望对增强脑血管病患者的肌力、恢复手部抓握动作有一定疗效。By the instrumental investigation, we hope that it has certain curative effect in strengthening the cerebrovascular disease patient's myodynamia and restoring the grasping comportment of hands.