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他变得非常沉默抑郁。He became very withdrawn and broody.

调查显示,越来越多的男人急于要小孩。According to research, men are getting broody too.

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到27岁时,我突然产生了很想要个孩子的念头。I reached the age of 27 and suddenly started to feel broody.

他们想要孩子,也更想早点稳定下来。They are becoming the broody ones, they are more likely to want to settle down sooner.

打算生小孩的夫妇也许要舍弃一男一女两个小孩的梦想了。Broody couples might want to throw away any dreams of a boy for him and a girl for her.

为生女儿一天五次,小贝精疲力尽...BROODY VICTORIA BECKHAM has left husband DAVID "exhausted" � by demanding sex FIVE TIMES a day.

给家里唯一“女孩”装饰粉红色指甲是多产的维多利亚的选择。So perhaps it was broody Victoria's choice to choose pink toenails for the only other girl in the family.

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因此给家里唯一一个“女孩”装饰粉红色指甲可能是多产的维多利亚的选择。So perhaps it was broody Victoria's choice to choose pink toenails for the only other girl in the family.

另一个被告,一个粗野的女人,与喜好伏窝的母鸡没有什么不同,但却长着一个恶毒的舌头,显而易见被激怒了。Another of the accused, a coarse woman, not unlike a fat broody hen but with a spiteful tongue, was visibly worked up.

宁可数着自己手中的几个干无花果傻笑,也不愿意妄想拥有孔雀之门而被骆驼醍瞎眼。Better a handful of dried figs and content with that, than to own the gate of peacocks and be kicked in the eye by a broody camel.

我还是很想要孩子,但是我女朋友自己的两个孩子是我有了家的感觉——我一直也没想到我能找到的感觉。I still feel broody but my girlfriend has two children of her own which feels like the ready-made family I never thought I'd find.

首尔仍充斥着想生许多孩子的女性和喜欢竞争性行业、烈酒和泥泞足球比赛的热血男子。Seoul is still awash with broody women and red-blooded males who like competitive business, strong booze and muddy football matches.

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就在几个月前,康伯巴奇还说他很想和奥利维亚生宝宝。他说,“我都想了五年了。”Only months ago Old Harrovian Cumberbatch spoke of how he wanted children with actress Olivia. 'I have been broody for five years, ' he said.

它是以从系统行为层进到实体对象行为的方式思考问题的,是面向对象方法的具体体现,也符合开发者的设计思维。The scheme which fits to the design thinking of the developer and reflects the OOPM in the concrete is a broody method that evolves from the system behavior to the object behavior.