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腮腺巨细胞病毒感染。CMV infection of parotid gland.

第三组将左侧腮腺导管内置管固定于皮肤。The parotid duct was cannulated in the third group.

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腮腺肿胀的其它原因是化脓性腮腺炎。Other causes of parotid swelling are suppurative parotitis.

探讨腮腺沃辛瘤的手术治疗方式。To explore a better surgical treatment method of parotid Warthin tumor.

腮腺的增龄性改变在腮腺造影用于诊断SS时可以忽略。The age changes of parotid gland could be ignored in the diagnosis of SS.

主导管病变与年龄的相关性。The correlation between the pathological change of parotid canula and age.

方法对126例腮腺切除术病例进行回顾性分析。Methods 126 cases with ablating parotid glands were retrospectively analyzed.

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目的探讨腮腺良、恶性病变的CT特点。Objective To analyse the CT findings of benign and malignant parotid diseases.

目的分析126例腮腺切除后产生面瘫的原因。Objective To analyze the causes of facial palsies after ablating parotid glands.

深层组织亦可发生毛细血管瘤,如咬肌、腮腺。Depth organizes tumour of Yike happening blood capillary, if bite flesh, parotid gland.

行部分腺体切除术后的腮腺确有再生的能力。The parotid gland undergoing partial parotidectomy does have the ability of regeneration.

目的进一步提高对腮腺病变影像表现的认识。Objective To further improve the recognition of image manifestation in the parotid disease.

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结果浅叶及良性肿瘤术后面神经损伤率低。Results The damage ratio of superficial nerve was lower after operations for parotid glands.

目的探讨由藻酸盐诱发的免疫反应对腮腺腺细胞的作用。Objective To explore the effect of immune reaction by alginate on parotid acinar cell in vitro.

方法对8例ACC的基膜样物质与2例腮腺腺泡及闰管的基膜进行光镜和电镜观察。Methods The BMC of 8 cases in ACC and 2 cases of normal parotid gland were observed by LM and EM.

PNA可与胰腺及腮腺腺泡结合,二者分布特征也不同。The staining pattern of the parotid gland acini and the pancreas with PNA also markedly different.

她出现右侧腮腺肿大和疼痛,但无发热、病、重下降和盗汗。She developed enlargement and soreness of her right parotid gland, but no fever , adenopathy, weight.

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最好的治疗,我认为这是肉毒杆菌毒素注射的腮腺和颌下腺。The best therapy, in my opinion, is botulinum toxin injection of the parotid and submandibular gland.

鉴别诊断包括鳃裂囊肿、混合瘤及一些其它腮腺肿瘤。Differential diagnosis included bronchial cleft cyst, mixed tumor and some other tumors in the parotid.

目的探讨腮腺肿瘤再次手术时面神经的处理。Objective To explore the treatment of the facial nerves in the re-operation of the parotid gland tumor.