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两名士兵蜷缩在一堵墙后。Two soldiers huddle behind a wall.

他的老板发现他在上班时打盹儿。He was found to huddle by his boss.

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啊,世界,将他们堆放在你的杂物间里吧!Huddle them up in your lumber-rooms, oh, world!

titi便挤在那底舱里。It is in that keel that the titi huddle together.

但是这些企鹅挤成一堆的同时为什么还要摇摆呢?But why are the birds doing the wave as they huddle?

这是个整理有关家庭的蓝图的好时机。It's a good time to huddle over those home-related blueprints.

当成百上千只雄帝企鹅挤在一起时就形成了一个大“团”。A huddle forms when hundreds,even thousands,of males crowd together.

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当成百上千只雄帝企鹅挤在一起时就形成了一个大“团”。A huddle forms when hundreds, even thousands, of males crowd together.

开一盏温暖的灯。放一首悲情的歌。蜷缩着坐在角落。Turning on a warm light, playing a sad song, I huddle up in the corner.

在寒冷的南极洲,帝企鹅的幼鸟们挤成一团以互相取暖。Emperor chicks huddle for an exchange of heat in the chill of Antarctica.

在面临劲敌西班牙之前,他召集他的人开了一个短会。He got his men into a tight huddle before they took on arch-rivals Spain.

坦克吃力地爬行着,一堆士兵缩在后面跟着走。The tank laboriously crawled on with a huddle of soldiers hanging behind.

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轻风沿着窗口袭来,我手上拿着的叶子在瑟缩的颤动。The breeze along the window came, I hold in my hand the leaves in the huddle.

莱斯总是看到埃里克和塔姆凑在一起,他知道他们是在谈论自己。Les kept seeing Eric and Tam in a huddle and he knew they were talking about him.

与后者不同,他没有四面受敌的心态,也不需要蜷缩在柏林墙背后。Unlike them, he had no siege mentality, and needed no Berlin Wall to huddle behind.

帝企鹅们互相拥挤在一起来预防南极洲极度的寒冷。The Emperors huddle together to protect themselves from the extreme cold of Antarctica.

泽特布拉特说这是一种协调运动,使它们的小堆移动。Zitterbart says that the waves are a coordinated movement, which keeps the huddle moving.

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在该诅咒的潮湿的天气里,我们就蜷缩在其中一个大蓬车里的火堆旁。Wet weather was a curse and we would huddle up around a wood burner in one of the caravans.

他们在除夕也要大扫除,然后一家人围在炉边守岁。Then they huddle around the kitchen hearth waiting for the first dawn of the bright New Year.

女人总是想当然地认为,男人聚在一堆是为了聊低俗的性,事实并非如此。Women have always assumed that men huddle in groups for sleazy sex chats, but that isn't true.