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杂志、书籍和光盘只读存储器的数量也激增。Magazines, books and CD-ROMs proliferate.

有关期刊的选稿标准神话会继续持续。Myths about journals will continue to proliferate.

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开放资源如何帮助数字杂志激增How Open Source Can Help Digital Magazines Proliferate

我预计这种革新将迅速扩张起来,理由有三个。I expect this type of innovation to proliferate for three reasons.

在胚胎发育过程中,细胞会发生增殖,然后器官形成。During development of an embryo, cells proliferate and organs grow.

瓶装水越受欢迎,这些问题越大。As bottled water grows in popularity, these problems also proliferate.

在等渗浓度或等渗浓度以下,席藻能保持慢速增殖。Under isotonic or hypotonic concentrations the alga could proliferate slowly.

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腐败,经济管理不善,压迫和不稳定将激增。Corruption, economic mismanagement, repression and instability will proliferate.

尽管困难重重,投资者认为这种交易仍将继续激增。Despite the difficulties, investors assume such deals will continue to proliferate.

仿冒的瑞士名表,包括欧米加、卡地亚和劳力士正在到处泛滥。Fake versions of famous Swiss brands, such as Omega, Cartier, and Rolex, proliferate.

损伤后诱导这些细胞增殖快速重建机体内环境的稳定。After injury these cells are induced to proliferate to quickly re-establish homeostasis1.

记忆以细胞核的形式保存下来,当肌肉运动时,这种含DNA的细胞核数量会急剧增加。That memory is stored as DNA-containing nuclei, which proliferate when a muscle is exercised.

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白细胞介素-7阻止SOCS-3在T细胞,使他们能够增殖和攻击被病毒感染的细胞。IL-7 blocks SOCS-3 in T cells, allowing them to proliferate and attack the virus-infected cells.

目的探讨仙人掌提取物对小鼠T淋巴细胞增殖的影响。Objective To observe the effect of extract of Cactus on the proliferate of T-lymphocyte in mice.

有机物依赖于磷来制造核酸和其他生长与繁殖所需的分子。Organisms rely on phosphorus to build nucleic acids and other molecules to grow and proliferate.

表明P21表达阳性的口腔鳞癌有更旺盛的增殖活动。These findings indicate that the P21 positive OSCC proliferate more actively than negative cases.

接下来随着细菌的繁殖,斜线向上急速增长,直到达到转折点为止。Then the slope rises ever more steeply as bacteria proliferate until it reaches an inflection point.

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区别于杀死目标后很快自身就会死亡的攻击性T细胞,抑制性T细胞可以不断增殖。And unlike aggressive T cells that die shortly after killing their targets, weak T cells proliferate.

钱教授补充道,“如今我们能够找到最适合细胞繁殖和分化的优化条件。”Now we can look at the optimum condition that is best for the cells to proliferate and differentiate.

保险学产生于17世纪,但是它的发展速度并不快,我们甚至可以说它发展得很慢Insurance was invented in the 1600s but it did not proliferate fast, it proliferated only very slowly.