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反动统治注定要垮台。The reactionary rule is doomed.

文学怎么能是反动的呢?For that matter, how can it be reactionary?

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要求做帮会、反动、黄色图案的。asked to do gang reactionary yellow pattern.

提供了反动势力的加速器。Provides reactionary force to the accelerator.

你是如何避免反应式工作流的?How do you avoid a life of reactionary workflow?

此人到底是革命派还是保守派?Is this guy a revolutionary or is he a reactionary?

我们决不向反动势力妥协。We'll never compromise with the reactionary forces.

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反动势力面前和我们面前都有困难。The reactionary forces and we both have difficulties.

我们要鄙视一切反动派。A politically ultraconservative or reactionary person.

反动警察用武力赶走了罢工纠察队员们。The reactionary police cleared out the pickets by force.

反动警察向群众开枪,打伤了一个青年。The reactionary police fired on the crowd, wounding one youngster.

一个激进的社会批评家变成了高教会派的反动分子。A radical critic of society has turned into a High-Church reactionary.

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那是的年吧,我被划进了“黑帮”队伍里。In the second of those tumultuous years, I was labeled one of the "reactionary gang."

那是动乱的第二年吧,我被划进了“黑帮”队伍里。In the second of those tumultuous years, I was labeled one of the "reactionary gang".

反动政府枉费心机地企图削弱这场抗议运动。The reactionary government tried vainly to take the steam out of the protest movement.

“戈诺是与联合政府相抗争的反动分子的一部分,”克罗斯说。"Gono is part of the reactionary elements fighting the unity government, " said Cross.

60年代末,他被化为反动派,送去劳动改造两年。In the late 1960s, he was branded a reactionary and sent to a labor camp for two years.

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尤其当具有长期的目标和规划时,变得保守可以让我们不偏离正确的路线。Being reactionary can help keep us on track, especially with long-term goals and projects.

反动集团的违法行为,使我无限忧伤……The unlawful activities of the reactionary clique cause me endless worry and sorrow , etc.

在我们国内,有一伙反动分子反对我们和你们搞好关系。in our country also there is a reactionary group which is opposed to our contact with you.