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厌倦是我们体内时间自我撕裂的回声。Ennui is the echo in us of time tearing itself apart.

生命自创于狂乱,破灭于厌倦中。Life creates itself in delirium and is undone in ennui.

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整个国家似乎都受了冬日的无聊的感染。The whole country seems to be affected by the ennui of winter.

任性的忧郁,疼痛、冷漠、便秘、嘟哝、厌倦。Ungracious glooms , aches, lethargy, constipation, whimpering ennui.

但是为什么你会离开你的床去冒险经历现实世界的无聊呢?Why, then, move off your couch and risk the ennui of the real world?

他自从失业以来,常觉百无聊赖。Since losing his job, he has often experienced a profound sense of ennui.

的标志性形象比尔穆雷的酒店房间孙玉伟使这一海报宝石。The iconic image of Bill Murray's hotel room ennui makes this a poster gem.

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如果你必须在医院的病床上躺好几个月,那么你也会感到无聊的。You too would suffer from ennui if you had to spend months in a hospital bed.

再没有比对称的格局更令人感到难受的了,因为对称的形象能使人愁闷,愁闷是悲伤的根源,失望的人爱打呵欠。It is because symmetry is ennui, and ennui is at the very foundation of grief. Despair yawns.

职业倦怠已成为当前图书馆行业一个非常现实和突出的问题。The occupational ennui has become a very realistic and outstanding problem of current library industry.

无疑问的,认为把生命的变易和欢乐都消蚀殆尽的那种烦谦和忧闷,是跟亚当同样地古老的。Undoubtedly the very tedium and ennui which presume to have exhausted the variety and the joys of life are as old as Adam.

我好象又看到了广大的平原和遥远的地平线,以及地平线上的宾特斯山和奥林匹斯山,那时,我的心里就会有三种情感,悲伤,感激和爱,决不会再感到什么无聊的。Oh, believe me, that when three great passions, such as sorrow, love, and gratitude fill the heart, ennui can find no place.

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王金燕脸上明显能看出一丝不耐烦,她打开伞遮阳保护她嫩白的皮肤。Ms. Wang flashed an unmistakable look of ennui and popped open an umbrella to shield her fair complexion from the South China sun.

随着福岛核电站继续污染着当地的空气和水体,东京市民已经经历了几轮恐慌然后倦怠的循环。As the Daiichi plant has continued to infect the region's air and water, Tokyo citizens have gone through cycles of alarm and ennui.

反主流文化运动退潮以后,随之出现长期难以平息的社会厌倦情绪,人人只顾着照料自己家的后院,这似乎就是当时的写照。The collapse of the counterculture and the prolonged sense of public ennui that followed had everyone tending their own gardens – so it seemed.

监狱人民警察普遍存在精神生活单调、心理问题突出的现象,存在着职业倦怠。People in the jail police widespread monotone, mental problem outstanding phenomenon of the existence spiritual life, exist an occupation ennui.

尽管它们只是一闪一闪地,但当它们偶尔的消失时,我也习惯了孤单与籍聊。Though they were a mere sprinkle of twinkling dots, yet I had become so accustomed to them that their occasional absence would bring me loneliness and ennui.

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为了摆脱无聊,人们沉湎于吸烟、搞破坏、赌钱以及嗜药之类的有害行为,追求感官的刺激。A longing for thrills to drive away ennui may lead people to indulge in destructive, sensation-seeking activities, including smoking, vandalism, gambling and drugs.

这部与科波拉的颇受好评的“迷失东京”大相径庭,虽然两部影片都展现的主角在文化水土不服中的焦虑与倦怠。The film certainly is far afield from her popular "Lost in Translation" even though both films concern characters that suffer anxiety and ennui from cultural dislocation.

本文探讨了辅导员职业倦怠的表现、危害及成因,提出了消除辅导员职业倦怠的对策。This thesis probes into the manifestation, perniciousness and cause of the occupational ennui. In addition, the article also puts forward the strategy to eliminate the ennui.