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哈泼·李1960年对南边的赞歌,是美国历来最受爱好的小说之一。Harper Lee's 1960 paean to the South is one of the most liked American novels ever written.

本书是哈泼·李1960年对南方的赞歌,是美国历来最受喜爱的小说之一。Harper Lee's 1960 paean to the South is one of the most beloved American novels ever written.

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一些学术界人士称,给离伟人纪念馆一箭之隔的孔子石头像高唱赞歌,估计太离谱了。Some academics say that placing a mammoth paean to Confucius a stone's throw from Mao's mausoleum may have gone too far.

他甚至分不清劳伦斯写的是赞歌还是描写少儿不宜场景的。Ignorant of the facts as well as the facts of life, Griffith-Jones failed even to recognise Lawrence's paean to anal sex.

在网络视频中,长度为三分钟的“薄熙来之歌”由前摩托车厂工人李磊演唱,是对这名重庆最高领导的赞歌。In the video below, former motorcycle worker Li Lei performs 'Bo Xilai's Song,' a three-minute paean to the Chongqing chief.

这部音乐剧情节有趣,内容丰富,是赖特献给电影制作最初时光的赞美诗,也是赖特对好莱坞诞生的敬意。Mr Wright's paean to the earliest days of film-making—a homage to the birth of Hollywood with its Sam Goldwyns and its Louis B.

DCM的演讲以谦卑的月亮赞歌,并伴随象征着时间前进的轻柔击鼓而结束。DCM concluded his presentation with a humble paean to the moon, accompanied by the soft roll of a timpani to symbolize the march of time.

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我们有理由相信,在船舶业界人士不懈努力下,一曲不朽“龙的船人”赞歌将唱响全世界。We have reasons to believe, an immortal paean of "Dragon's ship people" will be sung around the world under the tireless efforts of industrial professionals.

数万朝鲜群众在平壤集会庆祝火箭发射后,国家电视台于第二天周四为金播放了一首冗长的赞歌。State television broadcast a lengthy paean to Mr Kim on Thursday, a day after tens of thousands of North Koreans rallied in Pyongyang to celebrate the rocket launch.

笔者认为全诗向读者展示的是一幅从对人类童年的讴歌,到中年的沉思与叩问,再到暮年的孤寂与苍凉的全景图。In the author's opinion, this poem opened up a panorama first from the paean for human childhood, then to the middle-age meditation and inquiry, and finally to the loneliness in the declining years.