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什么是混乱?What is chaos?

酒吧里乱成了一锅粥。The bar is in chaos.

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我是混乱的代言人。I am an agent of chaos.

褪尽红尘万物,自混沌中走来。He walks from the chaos.

你,塔尼亚,就是我的混沌。You, Tania, are my chaos.

混乱是最好的伪装。Chaos is great camouflage.

他在芜杂中创建着秩序。He creates order in chaos.

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那儿现在混乱成一团。It's chaos over there now.

台风后一片混乱。The typhoon left chaos behind it.

是于兵荒马乱中的闲散自淫?Is being idle in the chaos of war?

那是个政治上呈纷乱状态的时代。That is the age of political chaos.

猛然间,黑夜陷入一片混乱。Abruptly, the night turned into chaos.

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本要离开的时候,说了句“淡定的混乱”。As he left, Ben spoke of a “calm chaos.

其实,更好的选择就是混沌。In fact, a better alternative is chaos.

以往我们天下大乱。When we were lost in chaos and rampage.

戴高乐阻止了法国的混乱局面。De Gaule stood between France and chaos.

用生命和博爱使混沌变新颜。With life and love makes chaos ever new.

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莫斯克尼会议中心爆发了一阵骚乱!Chaos was erupting in the Moscone Center!

换句话说,人有各种欲望。In other words, we are a chaos of desires.

但是我并不觉得这种混乱有什么值得高兴的。But I am not terribly pleased by the chaos.