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莫扎特是埋在穷人的乱葬岗子上的。Mozart was buried in an unmarked pauper's grave.

吉迪恩最初被埋葬在一个无名墓地。Gideon was initially buried in an unmarked grave.

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我们明白我们挖到了一个无名墓的棺材。We knew we were at a coffin of an unmarked grave.

那个下午平平静静地过去了,并没有什么特别的事情。The evening passed quietly, unmarked by any thing extraordinary.

广漠无垠的沙漠里,坟墓、石冢,还有不知名的土丘星星点点。Tombs cairns and unmarked heaps of earth dot the boundless sands.

无标被动句是否为被动句存在争议。The passive status of unmarked passives has been a debatable matter.

三名美国人试图穿越未标明的边境进入伊朗时被拘。The three are being held after crossing an unmarked border on a hike.

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约翰·韦恩去世后被葬在一处俯瞰纽波特海港的墓地,具体位置则不可知。They buried him in an unmarked grave on a hill overlooking the Newport Harbor.

我只是看到因扎吉没有被人盯防,所以我找了个恰当时机把球抛给了他。I just saw Inzaghi was unmarked so I found the right time to throw the ball to him.

又以安葬贫民的规矩,把她埋在了当地的公墓里,连块墓碑也没立。She was given a pauper's funeral and buried in an unmarked grave in the local churchyard.

你们有祸了!因为你们如同不显露的坟墓,走在上面的人并不知道。Woe to you, because you are like unmarked graves, which men walk over without knowing it.

赫来布几乎让蓝军松散的后防线付出代价,他的射门让温格疯狂。Helb almost made the Blues pay again for loose defending, shooting over unmarked to his manager's fury.

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名词化现象是英语正式语体的最显著特征之一,是英语书面语篇的共同的非标记形式。Nominalization is one of the main features of written English text as well as the common unmarked form.

她告诉我,那扇没有标记的门后面,是当天被安排实施安乐死的动物。She told me that behind the unmarked door were the animals that were scheduled for euthanasia that day.

UFO目击和奇怪的没有记号黑色直升机与许多屠牛案例吻合。Sightings of UFOs and strange, unmarked , black helicopters coincide with many cattle mutilation cases.

从简单,几乎未做记号的片到十分复杂的表现的汉朝蝉范围,作为这里。Han-dynasty cicadas range from simple, almost unmarked pieces to quite complex representations, as here.

的边路传中,德罗巴当然不会错过机会,他抢在福斯特的身前将球打进。Geremi provided another perfect cross for the Ivorian to steal in unmarked and fire the ball past Foster.

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俄联邦官员说,马斯哈多夫是恐怖分子,根据相关法律规定,恐怖分子的尸体将安葬在无名墓中。Maskhadov's body will be returned to Chechnya and buried in an unmarked grave, according to Russian laws.

英语和汉语无标记性的人称回指手段分别是代词回指和零形回指。The English and Chinese unmarked personal anaphora are pronominal anaphora and zero anaphora respectively.

伊拉克沙漠里的一个又一个的幽幽的乱葬冈,可以说是萨达姆·侯赛因黑暗历史的macabre墓碑。Unmarked mass graves in the Iraqi desert are called a macabre marker of Saddam Hussein’s period of history.