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这情景使我想起那段快乐的时日。Tue sight reminded me of happy day.

激光管的长度缩短了十分之九。The length of laser tue was reduced ten times.

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一位男孩正站在一把大伞下躲雨。A boy is standing under a big umbrella. The young man says to tue boy.

该软件的应用将会提高电力系统运行的经济性和安全性。Through using the software, tue economy and safety of power systems will be improved.

我会与你面对面,你可以在下周二的任何问题,你可能已经做好准备。I will discuss with you face to face next Tue and you can prepared for any question you may have.

慈济每个拜二,从早上9点半至下午12点半到广惠肇关怀老人,公共假日也如此。Tzu Chi carried out institutional care at KWSH every Tue , from 0930 to 1230 hrs, even on public holidays.

更换安全销后,要及时盖好上盖,以防震动使销子脱落。After renewing safety pin, close the upper cover in time to prevent the pin from dropping down tue to shock.

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我们的梦想是创造一个社会环境,使智障人士有权利寻求帮助。Its dream is to create conditions where mentally handicapped have tue right to asd ask and to get help from society.

人权观察报告指出,国际劳工联盟的乐三星期二,在五月向柬埔寨难民所申请政治庇护后消失。Human Rights Watch reported that Le Tri Tue of the IWU disappeared in May after applying for political asylum with UNHCR in Cambodia.

测量船模粘性阻力的传统方法是用毕托管及玻璃管测压系统进行尾流测试。The traditional method of measuring the ship model viscous resistance is wake surveys with pitot rakes and a glass tue water manometer.

我将参加一项国际单项体育联合会竞赛项目,其治疗用药豁免申请需遵循国际单项体育联合会有关规定。I am participating in an International Federation event for which a TUE granted pursuant to the International Federation's rules is required1.

高校武术课采用这种学习法,大大提高了学生学习质量,为改进教学模式,探索了一条新途径。By practicing this strategy in college's course of Kong Fu. We've greatly improved tue student's studying quality, and explored a new way in physical education.

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假设只有一个人有印记,又假设最少有一个印记,试把每一个时刻,各人的想法列出来。Consider if there is only one villager had mark, and suppose they all know that at least one mark will be marked, what should be everybody's thinking on Tue night?