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闻香识女人。Scent of a Woman.

这气味我受不了。I can't bear this scent.

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你能闻出有鱼的味道吗?。Could you scent the fish?

金能凭气味找到吗?Could he find it by scent?

他对错误有敏锐的察觉能力。She dabbed herself with scent.

这些玫瑰花仍有余香。These roses retain their scent.

猎狗靠其敏锐的嗅觉追猎。Hounds hunt by their keen scent.

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我的狗闻到了猎物的味道。My dog snuffed the scent of games.

是否需要用红绸带绑一下?A red ribbon sprayed with her scent.

忍冬花放出香气。The honeysuckle was streaming scent.

没有香味或气味遮盖剂。No fragrance or scent masking agents.

狗闻到了狐狸的臭迹。The dog snuffed the scent of the fox.

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那群猎犬循臭味追寻牡鹿。The hounds followed the stag's scent.

柠檬香味充满了小树林。The scent of lemons filled the grove.

细香葱发出淡淡的洋葱味。Chives give off a delicate oniony scent.

我说,因为我已经问到了香喷喷的味道。I said, as I smelled the delicious scent.

它有好闻的味道,容易涂抹。It has a nice scent and is easy to apply.

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空气中散发著水仙花的香味。The scent of the narcissi was in the air.

一杯清茶,散发出沁人心脾的清香。A cup of tea, emitting a refreshing scent.

果味老玫瑰香味与树莓笔记。Fruity old rose scent with raspberry notes.