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围绕汇率和贸易政策的确存在纠纷.The acrimony over currencies and trade policy is real.

一般而言术后7-10天忌食冷饮,一月内忌食辛辣食物。In general the 7 to 10 days a month, diet cold drinks diet acrimony food.

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现在,当一份协议摆到了桌面上,对话却在尖酸刻薄中停止。Now, with an agreementput on the table, talks have broken down in acrimony.

细木工板里辛辣刺眼的气味就是甲醛的气味。Joinery board in the odour that the odour of acrimony dazzling is formaldehyde.

如苹果、香蕉,而少用辛辣之物,以免灼伤胃阴。Be like apple, banana, and use acrimony thing less, lest burnable stomach shade.

这些是拖沓缓慢的、吹毛求疵的辩论,充斥着尖酸刻薄和民族主义。These are slow, nit-picky debates, fraught with acrimony and issues of nationalism.

如果你的痘痘泛滥,医生都会建议你忌口,别吃辛辣。If your blain blain is flush, the doctor can suggest your avoid certain food, do not eat acrimony.

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圣保罗欢闹了基督教。他传讲了圣恶毒,就是婚姻的另一个名字。St. Paul cavorted to Christianity. He preached holy acrimony , which is another name for marriage.

在美国,围绕债务上限展开的政治攻诘让投资者忍无可忍。In the U.S., the flashpoint among investors was the political acrimony over raising the debt ceiling.

对于一些有哮喘的孩子,经常吃辛辣类的油炸食品更可能加重病情。To a few haveAsthmaticthe child, often eat acrimony kind deepfry provision accentuates more possibly illness.

他们激烈的争吵直接指向濒危物种公约的领导层,指责他们曾经推动了象牙贸易。Their acrimony extends toward the Cites leadership itself, which they have accused of promoting the ivory trade.

服膏方期间应忌食生冷、油腻、辛辣等不易消化及有较强刺激性的食物。Take cream square during should diet raw or cold food, fat, acrimony etc stodgy reach have stronger excitant food.

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本月在曼谷举行的气候会谈更是在发展中国家与发达国家间剑拔弩张的气氛中落下帷幕。And climate talks in Bangkok this month ended in even deeper acrimony between the developing and developed economies.

在印刷媒体广告收入连续三年下跌,特别是去年更加严重,出版商的抱怨也随着升级。The acrimony has escalated as a three-year decline in the print medium's ad revenue accelerated during the past year.

“80年代的罢工,协会里只是充斥着激烈的争论和混乱”Scarpa说,“这一次我们更加团结也更加强大了。”"The '80s strikes left the guild in acrimony and disarray," says Scarpa. "This time we're better off and more unified."

粉色的超短裙轻易显得过于可爱,和成熟感觉的小背心搭配制造辛辣的性感。The miniskirt of pink appears easily too lovely, with the small vest of mature feeling collocation makes acrimony sex appeal.

只有芳汀一个人不肯打秋千。“我不喜欢有人装这种腔。”宠儿气愤愤地说。Fantine alone refused to swing. "I don't like to have people put on airs like that, " muttered Favourite, with a good deal of acrimony.

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现在,这些辛辣火爆的言论已经沉寂下来,而物理社群的主流仍旧不相信这个理论可以续存。The shouting and acrimony have died down, and the mainstream physics community remains largely unconvinced that the theory can stay afloat.

但是目前不清楚的是,他信的流亡是否会终止过去三个月来缠扰泰国政府的政治僵局和股市低迷。But it is unclear whether it will end the political acrimony and stalemate that has dogged the government and stock market for the past three years.

美酒佳肴,顿受感染,言谈间不但没有恶言恶语,甚至还充满友好之情。It was excellent, and the wine was good. Its influence presently had its effect on them. They talked not only without acrimony , but even with friendliness.