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一个短期的校园内的伍德斯托克音乐节A short-term Woodstock in the Yard

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继伍德斯托克音乐节之后,多个大型集会登场。Larger gatherings followed Woodstock.

这将是一个全行星参与的伍德斯托克。It would be a sort of planet-sized Woodstock.

我在哪里可以在线看电影免费伍德斯托克充分流?Where can I watch Woodstock movie online free full stream?

它让我有点儿想起摇滚音乐节,那里像这种事是必须的。It kinda makes me think of what Woodstock must have been like.

中心参与资本家的伍斯达克年度音乐会。So join us at the Qwest for our annual Woodstock for Capitalists.

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1969年.伍德斯托克音乐节在纽约州东南部举行!In 1969, the Woodstock Music and Art Fair opened in upstate New York.

马丁的公司网站将伍德斯托克学院描述成“原耶鲁大学预科学院”。American International's website bills Woodstock as "formerly a Yale Prep."

伍德斯托克和其他60年代末期的音乐节改变了摇滚音乐会的规模。Woodstock and other late-1960s festivals changed the scale of rock concerts.

而他那张伍德斯托克的照片被放大成海报那么大小挂在尼克和波比家里,就在的早餐桌上面。And his Woodstock photograph hangs, poster-size, above Nick and Bobbi's breakfast table.

然而在着所有祥和的记忆中,伍德斯托克也带来了种种原始的冲动。Yet for all the benign memories, Woodstock also set in motion other, more crass impulses.

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他于1949年获得了学士学位,不久就在芝加哥的伍德斯托克表演公司找到了一份工作。Newman finished his B. A. in 1949, and later landed a job with the Woodstock Players company in Chicago.

自伍德斯托克之后,我去过的音乐节多的数不清,决大多数或多或少跟泥泞有关。Since Woodstock I’ve been to more rock festivals than I can easily remember. Most, sooner or later, involve mud.

马丁是通过维基百科了解到,1956年前该学院曾与耶鲁建立非正式的关系。Martin based the description on a Wikipedia entry stating that Woodstock had an informal connection with Yale until 1956.

但其实伍德斯托克也是大家在摇滚音乐会上借毒品麻醉自己,因为这比着手改变世界来的容易。But Woodstock was also a whole lot of people getting stoned at a rock concert, which was much easier than working to change the world.

所有伍德斯托克的拥蹙,都在期盼布鲁斯史普林斯汀,是否是此次盛会的神秘压轴嘉宾。And all the Woodstock wannabe's speculated whether Bruce Springsteen would be the surprise mystery final act to close the whole shebang.

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伍德斯托克音乐节毫无疑问是嬉皮士运动的一个缩影,并为所有摇滚音乐节确立了框架结构。The event that perhaps both epitomizes the hippy movement and set the framework for all rock concerts to come was undoubtedly Woodstock.

那是个艳阳天,超过4万名股东从世界各地前往奥马哈,参加一年一度的伍德斯客式的资本家聚会。It was a sunny day, and more than 40,000 shareholders from all over the world came to Omaha and joined the annual Woodstock of Capitalists.

又或者,你也可以反驳说,它不过是场嬉皮士的集会,一个2011年的伍德斯托克村,里面是一群就想抱怨一下上层阶级成功的吃白食者。Or, you could also argue, it’s just a hippiefest, a Woodstock for 2011, packed with freeloaders who just want to lament about the success of the upper class.