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你没看见,刚才我那扣球?Did you see my spike?

他必须秒杀,不然就失败。It must spike or lose.

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这是我哥史派克。This is my brother, Spike.

你是怎么拦住我的扣球的?。How did you block my spike?

他跳起拦对方扣球。He jumped and blocked the spike.

这是水稻有效稻穗数。Here is effective rice spike number.

插蜡烛的尖的金属钉。A sharp metal spike to hold a candle.

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“后会有期。”当我的脑袋插在矛尖上时。"Someday. " When I am a head on a spike.

我需要踢足球用的钉鞋。I need a spike shoe for playing football.

取适量胶水均匀涂抹在道钉上。Take appropriate glue evenly on the spike.

或许等你找到史坦尼斯时,他的脑袋已插在长矛上。And you may well find his head upon a spike.

我们再次看到在40级之前有个尖形崛起。We again see the spike right before level 40.

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斯派克从出生到现在竟还没换过毛和牙齿!Spike retained all his original teeth and hair!

您可以放置一个诡雷在泰矿柱上。You can plant a Booby Trap on a Tiberium Spike.

买麻藤雌雄异株,具穗状花序。G. montanum is dioecious with spike inflorescence.

赛跑者穿钉鞋以防滑倒。The runner wear spike shoes to prevent from slide.

接扣球战术系统同样也存在着较大差距。Then Spike Tactical System also exists a wide gap.

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他念过莎士比亚和斯派克·李的台词。He's spoken the words of Shakespeare and Spike Lee.

为什么宠物遗弃在节假日前后加重?Why do animal abandonments spike during the holidays?

发黄的收据被穿在一根金属钉上。Yellowing receipts had been impaled on a metal spike.