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格林童话呢?Grimm's fairy tales?

也许是个仙灵?Perhaps its a fairy?

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别叫我仙灵。Dont call me a fairy.

你传说中的教母?Your fairy godmother?

噢不,亲爱的幸运仙女。Oh no,my dear Luck Fairy.

这首诗是个童话故事。The poem is a fairy tale.

但是有一位树仙却没有笑。But one fairy did not laugh.

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三仙姑不敢答话。Third Fairy dared not reply.

精灵说,上帝是忧郁的。God said, Fairy is mirthless.

童话徳第二结局。The second fairy tale ending.

写在童话里的誓言。Written oath in a fairy tale.

小孩贪婪地倾听神话故事。The child devours fairy tales.

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妖精的尾巴主题曲钢琴版。Fairy Tail Main Theme piano ver.

童话是虚构的故事。Fairy tales are made-up stories.

我遇到了一个王子,精灵教母。I met a prince, Fairy Godmother.

音乐给心灵带来仙气。Music brings my heart fairy air.

然后幸运女神消失了。Then the Luck Fairy disappeared.

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精灵找到了一条通向上帝花园的路。Fairy find a way to God's garden.

仙气也吗没有了!Is the fairy spirit also have no!

小叮当是一个极好的仙女。Tinker Bell is a wonderful fairy.