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爸爸有没有说把那个玩具房屋给我?Did dad say I get the dollhouse?

他喜欢躲在我的玩具屋里。And he liked to hide in my dollhouse.

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他为女儿搭建了一所玩具屋。He assembled the dollhouse for his daughter.

然后弯腰走进那小屋里的餐厅then lowered into the dining room of a dollhouse

同样道理,玩具屋就是关于持家的理论。In the same sense, a dollhouse is a theory of the household.

米切尔就在几条过道之外查看玩具房内的陈设,“怎么了?Michelle was a few aisles away, looking at dollhouse furniture.

也许大家最熟悉的袖珍艺术的形式还是玩具屋吧。But probably the most familiar form of miniaturization is the dollhouse.

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后来在英国的乔治亚州,玩具屋的建造有了一种新标准。Later, in Georgian England, a new standard was established for dollhouse construction.

机柜都配备了窥视孔,一个娃娃屋和爬行隧道。The cabinets are fitted among others with peepholes, a dollhouse and a crawling tunnel.

它是一种常见的误解,以为屋主保险将涵盖娃娃微缩收集。It is a common misconception that homeowners insurance will cover a dollhouse miniatures collection.

可以很难估计有多少的报道是需要涵盖整个娃娃的缩影收集。It can be difficult to estimate how much coverage is needed to cover an entire dollhouse miniature collection.

热门费舍尔价格双人房时娃娃屋产品独家奖金后院设置费舍尔价格爱家乐双时折叠娃娃屋。Set Top Fisher-Price Twin Time Dollhouse Exclusive Bonus Products Fisher Price Love family time fun patio folding double doll.

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姥爷去世时妈妈只有5岁,她眼看着自己的玩具屋和其他“财产”一起被拍卖掉——霎时间她就变成了穷孩子。My mother, who was just five when her father died, saw her dollhouse and other belongings sold at auction. Suddenly she was a child of poverty.

然后把露露的玩具屋拖到车里,说如果她第二天不把“小白驴”弹好,就一件一件地捐给救世军。Then I hauled Lulu's dollhouse to the car and told her I'd donate it to the Salvation Army piece by piece if she didn't have "The Little White Donkey" perfect by the next day.

现如今,我47岁,这种注视丝毫没有随着年龄的增加而减少,人们会问我的朋友我是否住在玩具屋里,他们不敢相信地看着我从驾驶位中下车。I'm 47 now, and the stares have not diminished as I've grown older. People ask my friends if I live in a dollhouse. They look in disbelief when they see me get out of my car on the driver's side.