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未注册软件只能使用10天。Unregistered software can only be used for 10 days.

农村黑车何时寿终正寝?。When will unregistered vehicle disappear in countryside?

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抵押物已登记的先于未登记的受偿。The registered gage has priority to the unregistered gage.

未注册版只能保护100个短消息和电话记录。Unregistered version will only protect first 100 sms and calls.

未经登记的布图设计不受本条例保护。Unregistered layout-designs are not protected under the Regulations.

列举所有用于出版或未出版创作中的未注册的版权。List of unregistered copyrights in any works whether or not published.

近年来,未注册商标被侵权的现象时常发生。In recent years, unregistered trademark infringement, which often occur.

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他们仅仅被指控合谋运作了未注册的外国机构。They were charged only with conspiring to act as unregistered foreign agents.

未经登记的布图设计不受本条例保护。Any unregistered layout-design shall not be protected under these Regulations.

北京的民办学校约有400家,其中大多数没有注册。The majority of Beijing’s private schools, which number around 400, are unregistered.

大量的未注册机构冒着成亿元的存款会付之东流的危险。So many unregistered institutions risk the savings of millions being suddenly washed away.

第一百三十条公司发行的股票,可以为记名股票,也可以为无记名股票。Article 130 The stocks issued by a company may be registered stocks or unregistered stocks.

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一天,他的妻子出去遛狗,碰见警察正在抓没有狗证的狗。One day , when his wife is out walking Cala, a policeman confiscates the unregistered canine.

第五章对中国未注册商标保护的制度构建提出了若干设想。The chapter five is about some legislation advice an unregistered trademark protection in China.

违反条款、派遣未注册的球员上场,将承受竞技和纪律上的后果。Infringingthe provision of fielding an unregistered player has sporting and disciplinaryconsequences.

肝素生料提取自猪肠,通常由一些小的、未注册的中国公司来处理。Raw heparin is derived from pig intestines, often processed by small, unregistered businesses in China.

提高企业的打算从公共资金或资本,出售未注册的证券或传销程序。Businesses which intend to raise funds or capital from the public, sell unregistered securities or MLM Programs.

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尚未登记的机动车,需要临时上道路行驶的,应当取得临时通行牌证。If an unregistered motor vehicle needs to temporarily run on road, it shall have a temporary passage certificate.

一旦对关注者进行了一次消息通知,映射中所有被标记为未注册的关注者都会被删除掉。Once subscribers have been notified, all subscribers flagged as unregistered from the subscriber map are removed.

他被控危险驾车、停驾期间驾车和驾驶未登记车量。He was charged with driving in a dangerous manner, driving while disqualified and driving an unregistered vehicle.