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这是个老大难问题。This is a perennial problem.

它已经成为经典It's been a perennial classic.

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玫瑰是一种常青灌木或藤本植物。A rose is a perennial shrub or vine.

荨麻是一种多年生草本植物。Urtica is a kind of perennial plant.

珍珠原料,珍珠统货,常年供应。Pearl raw materials, Perennial supply.

多年生肉质草本植物,形成垫状。Succulent perennial herb, forming mats.

他自己就长年是诺贝尔和平奖落选者。He himself is a perennial Nobel also-ran.

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这在哲学上也是一个经久不衰的问题。And that's a perennial issue in philosophy.

常年必要的计量准备工作。Prepare perennial essential preparative work.

留兰香是多年生草本芳香植物。Metha spicata L. is a perennial aromatic plant.

鹏瑞利的股票将于本周四开始交易。Perennial China will start trading on Thursday.

人口普查一直是人们争论的主题。The census is the subject of perennial squabbles.

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这种常见的金凤花是一种很受欢迎的多年生植物。The common buttercup is a popular perennial plant.

有些草只生长一年。而有些则是多年生的。Some grasses last only a year. Others are perennial.

白喉乌头为毛茛科多年生有毒植物。Aconitum ceucostomum is the perennial poisonous plant.

旧大陆中因其艳丽花朵而种植的一个多年生植物属。Old World perennial plants grown for their showy flowers.

药用珠,蚌壳珠,死蚌珠等常年供应。Medicinal Pearl, Pearl powder materials, Perennial supply.

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北温带的一种簇状多年生卷耳。Densely tufted perennial chickweed of north temperate zone.

欧洲终年植物,其锯齿状叶子可制黄色染料。European perennial whose serrate leaves yield a yellow dye.

鹿蹄草属植物为常绿多年生小型草本状半灌木。Pyrola is an evergreen perennial herbage-shaped half-shrub.