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或许这就是他独树一格的作法。Perhaps this was his modus operandi.

这我能理解。因为以前,逃避也是我惯用的伎俩。I understand this. Avoidance was my modus operandi.

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这是否定式,现在你知道怎样做否定式了吧。That was Modus Tollen. Now you know how to do Modus Tollen.

B2B是当前朗趣的核心商业形式,但不局限于此。B2B is the core business modus of Launcher, but not limit this.

SLNB采用放射性示踪法和专利蓝法。Combining radioisotope tracing and blue patent modus was used for SLNB.

问题是,我不知道任何技巧、步骤或操作方式。The problem is, I do not have any technique, process, or modus operandi.

面对犯罪手法的变化多端,公证人员们也颇为无奈。In the face of the changing modus operandi, notaries are also quite helpless.

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介绍了低温地板辐射采暖水系统的干式做法及适用范围。Introduce the dry modus of water floor heating system and its applicable areas.

典型的美式作风也可从英式作风中受益。The typical American approach has something to gain from the British modus operandi, too.

在语言特点,写作手法上,更是有许多地方值得我们学习的。The language features, writing in the modus operandi, but there are many places that we can learn.

而矿产管理局的做法则更像小偷的同伙,专门帮人把风,使其他小偷可以带着赃物逃之夭夭。M.M.S.’s modus operandi was more like setting a thief to help other thieves get away with the loot.

恐怕没有人真正会赞同搜索引擎公司的这种方法,但是极少人对它们表示不满。No one could really agree the modus of search engine companies, but only few people express their discontentment.

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本文拟从连锁加盟式合同诈骗的犯罪手法展开分析,对此类案件的侦查、打击进行研究。The paper analyzes the modus operandi of linkage and chain contract fraud, and the investigation and fighting measures.

目的探讨口服有机磷中毒昏迷患者的胃管插入方法。Objective To discuss the modus of inserting the gastric canal in comatose patients with organophosphorus pesticide toxicosis.

此外,我们也握有无可辩驳的证据,可以看出凶手基本上运用同样的手法在不同地点屡次犯案。We also have irrefutable evidence that the killer struck repeatedly in different locales but with the same basic modus operandi.

目的探讨后外侧小切口全髋置换术后早期康复训练及临床意义。All patients were received posterolateral minimal incision and the early regular exercises aiming directly at the modus operandi.

虽然运用当代艺术的方法,郭孟浩的国学美术根基深厚,水墨画和书法都是他的强项。However contemporary his modus operandi, Kwok has a strong foundation in the traditional arts of Chinese painting and calligraphy.

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实际上,有多种不同的平台,各有不同的商业模型,操作手法,长处与弱点。In reality, there are many different types of platforms, each having distinct business models, modus operandi, strengths and weaknesses.

成交后,装潢队可以拿到回扣,商家则通过装潢队的“撬边”,用以次充好的手法欺骗消费者。Transactions, the team could never get kickbacks, businessmen through decorate Team "pry out" with the modus operandi of consumer prices.

这个例子说明,信用卡积分换礼惯用手法之一是以高不可及的门槛幽人们一默。This example illustrates, credit card points modus operandi ceremony for one of the high and the threshold can not be a silent Youtong people.