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约束这些政治巨头的暴行是必要的。Curbing the excesses of these powerbrokers is essential.

前些时候有人建议对网络加以限制,我很赞成。Not long ago somebody suggested curbing the net, I fully agree with it.

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抑制氧化亚氮的排放将会促进臭氧层的恢复。Curbing nitrous oxide emissions would enhance the ozone layer's recovery.

这些方案应可对缓解此次经济衰退的严重影响发挥一定作用。They should have some effect in curbing the worst impacts of this downturn.

虽然看上很可疑,不过值得一试,至少能遏制住你想要坐在沙发里虚度光阴的念头。While it seems skeptical, it’s worth a try, as is curbing your desire to veg on the couch.

研究了在中板轧制过程中抑制板坯弯曲的措施之一。One of the method of curbing plate bending in jobbing sheet rolling process was researched.

奥巴马政府也抱有就减排达成非约束性协议的希望。The Obama administration has also held out hope for a nonbinding deal on curbing emissions.

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年初,为了控制需求,政府开始通过配额和税收来限制粮食出口。Early this year, to control demand, it began curbing grain exports through quotas and taxes.

亚洲股市下滑,欧元瑞郎跌至纪录低点,高收益资产的需求受到遏制。The EURCHF fell to a record as Asian stocks slid, curbing demand for higher-yielding assets.

这导致像洪流一般的旨在遏制投机活动的草案出现短暂的中断。That has led to a brief interruption in the torrent of proposals aimed at curbing speculation.

据说,它也能够有效地遏制倒票,尤其是在春节期间。It is also said to be effective in curbing scalping, especially during the Spring Festival period.

但这可能不够,因为即便是那些拥有充足信用额度的消费者,似乎也在削减支出.It may not be enough because even those with plenty of credit appear to be curbing their spending.

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一个新的研究已经发现在电话中商议在边石过度的喝酒中可能是有效的。A new study has found that counseling by telephone could be effective in curbing excessive drinking.

经济宽松的目标是到2002年实现平衡预算,控制住给医生的医疗保险付款额。It aimed to balance the budget by 2002 by, among other things, curbing Medicare payments to doctors.

研究发现,压缩商务旅行可能会对企业盈利造成很大的负面影响。The study found that curbing business travel can have a strong negative impact on corporate profits.

毕竟,土耳其与伊朗在抑制他们边境内库尔德民族统一主义方面有共同利益。Turkey and Iran, after all, share common interests in curbing Kurdish irredentism inside their borders.

不过,不断上升的租金与公用事业费用和激烈的竞争压制着行业的盈利。Rising rents and utility costs as well as intense competition are curbing profits in the industry, however.

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午餐间三人在席间谈笑自若,伯腾也解开了小云以为本人不喜欢她的误解。At lunch in curbing between three and teng, "untied xiao yun thought I also don't like her misunderstanding."

这项举措意在控制每年近一百万的,因吸烟有关疾病造成的死亡人数。The move is aimed at curbing the number of deaths from smoking-related diseases, running at a million a year.

联合国秘书长潘基文把遏制全球气候变化作为他现在最优先考虑的事项之一。Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has made curbing the effects of global climate change one of his top priorities.